Mitt Romney 2012

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VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got
VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got

VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got

And New Mexico's Susana Martinez may be too similar

(Newser) - The Republican Party may be suffering from an enthusiasm gap this election cycle, but don't expect a game-changing VP this time around, writes Richard Stevenson at the New York Times . Someone like New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez might look ideal, for instance—female, Hispanic, Tea Party-friendly, handgun fan, bipartisan...

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

 Sick of 2012 
howard kurtz

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

Howard Kurtz sees thinning coverage amid poor ratings

(Newser) - Even as voters hit the polls in Illinois Tuesday , Fox and MSNBC hosts focused on other matters. The next day, neither Today nor Good Morning America included the 2012 election in their top three stories. There's a reason for that, writes Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast : Cable news...

Advice to Romney: &#39;Suit Up and Get Serious&#39;
Advice to Romney:
'Suit Up and Get Serious'

Advice to Romney: 'Suit Up and Get Serious'

Peggy Noonan says it's about time

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan has some advice for Mitt Romney in her latest Wall Street Journal column: He will be the nominee, so it's time to "suit up and get serious," she writes. "Get off the goofball express. Cheesy grits, jeans, singing, being compulsively pleasant, calling your opponents...

Ron Paul: Give Etch a Sketch 'Games' a Rest

New ad mocks rivals' focus on the Romney camp's gaffe

(Newser) - Sick of the endless Etch a Sketch jokes and analogies after two days of near-constant presence in the news cycle? Ron Paul is, too, apparently. His new ad mocks Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and no end of cable talking heads for focusing on the gaffe instead of more substantive issues,...

Santorum: Better Obama Than Romney

Current president preferable to 'Etch A Sketch candidate'

(Newser) - Elect Mitt Romney president? "We might as well stay with what we have," Rick Santorum said yesterday, "instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future." The former senator emphasized his differences with Obama during a Texas campaign...

Louisiana Not Looking Good for Romney

 Louisiana Not 
 Looking Good 
 for Romney 
primary preview

Louisiana Not Looking Good for Romney

But Mitt gets near-endorsement from DeMint

(Newser) - Louisiana holds its Republican primary tomorrow, and the state probably won't snap Mitt Romney's Southern losing streak, analysts say. Romney hasn't spent much time or money there, and its high proportion of conservative voters and relatively low household income make it fertile ground for Rick Santorum, the...

'Etch a Sketch' Gaffe Already Haunting Romney

Even the company itself gets in on the fun

(Newser) - Team Romney probably hoped the Etch a Sketch gaffe —a top adviser said his positions could be "reset" as with the classic toy—would die a quick death today. Doesn't look like it:
  • Stage prop: Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich each went on stage brandishing a you-know-what.

Romney Adviser Likens Him to ... &#39;Etch a Sketch&#39;

 Romney Adviser 
 Likens Him to ... 
 'Etch a Sketch' 

Romney Adviser Likens Him to ... 'Etch a Sketch'

Eric Fehrnstrom uses analogy in CNN interview, and critics pounce

(Newser) - If you're Mitt Romney and weary of fending off flip-flopping accusations, this is probably not what you want a top adviser to say on CNN. Asked whether Romney has gone so far to the right in the primaries that he might alienate moderate voters in November, adviser Eric Fehrnstrom...

Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney

Says with 34 primaries finished, it's time to get behind Mitt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is inevitable enough for Jeb Bush, reports ABC News . Bush today endorsed the GOP frontrunner after months of tongue-wagging over his silence —which included sitting on the sidelines while Romney won his own state's primary. The former president's brother, seen by some as a strong...

Romney Wins, but No End in Sight After Illinois

Romney takes big state but fails to flip Santorum's base

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's decisive win in Illinois extends his delegate lead, but it's not enough to change the dynamics of the race, let alone knock out Rick Santorum, pundits say.
  • Romney has scored another big win in a Midwestern state, but even his "staunchest allies don’t expect

Santorum Rips Big Money 'Machine' in Ill. Defeat

He slams super PACs in Gettysburg address

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has made it clear that he's sticking around despite his resounding defeat in Illinois . In a rambling election night speech in Gettysburg, he described this year's election as the most important since 1860, urged supporters to "saddle up, like Reagan did in the cowboy movies,...

Romney Wins Easily in Illinois

Rick Santorum finishes a distant second

(Newser) - Mitt Romney rolled to an easy win in the Illinois primary tonight, reports AP . With 98% of precincts reporting, he has 47% of the vote, well ahead of Rick Santorum (35%), Ron Paul (9%), and Newt Gingrich (8%). "Thank you Illinois," Romney said. "What a night."...

&#39;The Real Mitt Romney&#39; Channels Eminem

 'The Real 
 Mitt Romney' 

'The Real Mitt Romney' Channels Eminem

'Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up?'

(Newser) - Flip-flopping Mitt Romney has been plagued by the question, "Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up?" In a new, brilliant mash-up by Hugh Atkin spotted by the Huffington Post , it's President Obama asking that question in a send-up of the Eminem classic "The Real Slim Shady....

What to Watch in Illinois&#39; Primary

 What to Watch 
 in Illinois Primary 
election 2012

What to Watch in Illinois Primary

Mitt Romney poised for the win as voters hit the polls

(Newser) - Illinois votes for its GOP candidate of choice today, with 69 delegates at stake—the second-most of any state so far. Here's what the experts at Politico and the Daily Beast have their eye on:
  • Can Mitt Romney crack 50%? Polls have Romney heavily favored in the state, and

Romney, Santorum Code Names Leaked

It's Javelin versus Petrus for the nomination

(Newser) - Can Javelin or Petrus do what Phoenix couldn't and beat Renegade? GQ , citing multiple campaign sources, says it has discovered the leading GOP candidates' Secret Service code names. Mitt Romney has chosen "Javelin," possibly in reference to a '60s muscle car made by the American Motor...

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

 Romney Way Up 
 in Illinois, But... 
primary preview

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

Some cite lackluster performance in state he could have dominated

(Newser) - A new poll puts Mitt Romney 15 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, Rick Santorum, in Illinois' primary tomorrow—but perhaps he shouldn't start celebrating yet. Public Policy Polling has Romney winning 45% of the vote to Santorum's 30% (it puts Newt Gingrich at 12% and Ron...

Pro-Romney Super PAC Taking Fed Contractor Money

Banned for 36 years, controversial donations may now be allowed

(Newser) - Ah, Citizens United , the political can of worms that keeps on opening. Federal contractors have been banned from making political donations for 36 years, but because of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, it's now unclear whether they can give to super PACs. American Crossroads (a Republican super PAC)...

Romney Sails to Win in Puerto Rico

Captures all 20 delegates with more than 50% of the vote

(Newser) - Mitt Romney scored an overwhelming win today in Puerto Rico's Republican presidential primary, trouncing chief rival Rick Santorum even as the two rivals looked ahead to more competitive contests this week in Illinois and Louisiana. The victory in the US territory was so convincing that Romney, the GOP frontrunner,...

Romney to Obama: Fire &#39;Gas- Hike Trio&#39;
 to Obama: 
 Fire 'Gas- 
 Hike Trio' 


Romney to Obama: Fire 'Gas- Hike Trio'

Mitt blames president for high gas prices

(Newser) - President Obama is not only responsible for high gas prices, he actually wants them, and he needs to can the three Cabinet secretaries who share the blame, Mitt Romney charged today. "When he ran for office he said he wanted to see gasoline prices go up, he said that...

Republicans Brace for Brokered Convention

Leaders dusting off rule books, readying for big fight

(Newser) - For much of American history, brokered conventions were the norm, but the two big parties have not had one since Democrats chose Adlai Stevenson in 1952. The Republicans' last brokered convention was 1948 when they picked Thomas Dewey (Gerald Ford beat Ronald Reagan on the first ballot in 1976). But...

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>