Mitt Romney 2012

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Santorum: It&#39;s Not Even Halftime Yet
 It's Not Even 
 Halftime Yet 

Santorum: It's Not Even Halftime Yet

Candidate upbeat on May races

(Newser) - With twitchy Republicans looking to put an end to an onerous and hard-fought primary season, Rick Santorum is saying not so fast, reports Politico . “This race isn’t even at halftime yet, we haven’t even selected half of the delegates yet,” Santorum told Fox News Sunday this...

Romney Looks to Shut Door for Good on Santorum

He leads in Wisconsin as coverage tilts his way

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been declared the "presumptive nominee" time and again in this race, but the coverage heading into Tuesday's primary in Wisconsin suggests this time, really and truly, it's the real deal. It helps that Romney leads in the polls and has racked up high-level endorsements...

Romney&#39;s Mansion to Have Elevator ... for Cars
Romney's Mansion to
Have Elevator ... for Cars
in case you missed it

Romney's Mansion to Have Elevator ... for Cars

Politico takes a closer look at the plans

(Newser) - Not only will Mitt Romney's proposed new beach house have a 3,600-square-foot basement , it will have a split-level four-car garage … with an elevator for the cars. Politico procured the 2008 plans for the renovation (by way of a rival campaign), which involves tearing down the existing California...

Romney Grabs 7-Point Lead in Wisconsin

But Obama leads Romney in general election polling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney leads Rick Santorum 40% to 33% in Wisconsin, according to a new NBC News-Marist poll . Ron Paul follows in third with 11% and Newt Gingrich is last with 8%. Romney leads the way with moderate and liberal Republicans, conservatives, and those earning more than $75,000 per year....

Romney Finally Starting to Rack Up the Endorsements

There's a 'time when to fold 'em,' said elder Bush

(Newser) - They took their time, but high-profile Republicans are starting to fall in line behind Mitt Romney. Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, yesterday gave Romney his support, saying he fears "disaster" if the race leads to a floor fight at the Republican National Convention. Wisconsin's...

Romney&#39;s Latest &#39;Joke&#39;: Dad Closed a Michigan Plant
Romney's Latest 'Joke':
Dad Closed a Michigan Plant

Romney's Latest 'Joke': Dad Closed a Michigan Plant

His 'humorous' story doesn't sit well with Democrats

(Newser) - Mitt Romney attempted to connect with the people of Wisconsin yesterday by telling them a little joke. In a conference call with thousands of voters, Romney told them about the time in the 1950s that his dad, then head of American Motors, shut down a Michigan factory and moved production...

Papa Bush Backs Romney
 Papa Bush 
 Backs Romney 

Papa Bush Backs Romney

George HW will announce endorsement tomorrow in Houston

(Newser) - The GOP's elite isn't exactly tripping over itself to help Mitt Romney seal the deal, but George HW Bush is the latest in the Bush family to fall in line: A Romney spokeswoman says the Bush patriarch will endorse their man tomorrow at an event in Houston, reports...

Mitt Likes Elevators for Cars, Not So Much for People

Once vetoed bills to improve elevators for people with disabilities

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is cool with elevators for cars (at least, when they're his cars ), but his record as governor of Massachusetts shows in two instances, he wasn't so hot on elevators for humans with disabilities. Romney vetoed two pieces of legislation that would have improved elevators in...

Mitt Quips: Santorum Can Be My Press Secretary

Seriously, hints that Rick could be his VP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was mostly business on his Tonight Show appearance last night, but he managed to get in a joke at Rick Santorum's expense. "Press secretary," Romney joked when Jay Leno asked what words he most associated with Santorum, a dig at his rival's recent run-in...

60% of GOP Wants Gingrich, Paul to Quit

Santorum's Pennsylvania lead vanishes

(Newser) - Most Republicans believe there are two too many candidates still seeking their party's nomination, according to the latest CNN poll . The poll found that roughly 60% of the GOP want Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to call it a day, while a similar proportion want Rick Santorum to stick...

Medvedev Zings Romney: It's 2012, Not the '70s

Russian president fires back after Romney calls Russia the US' top foe

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev seems amused by Mitt Romney's recent declaration that Russia was the US' “No. 1 geopolitical foe.” “It is very reminiscent of Hollywood,” the Russian president said in South Korea today, according to CNN . He advised the GOP candidates “to listen to reason...

'ILikeRomneyCare' Redirects to ...

... Barack Obama's campaign website page called ILikeObamaCare

(Newser) - Apparently two can play this game: After pranksters got hold of and and redirected both to President Obama's campaign website , someone got the bright idea to hijack—and send it to the same place, reports Huffington Post . "It's the two-year anniversary...

Last 2 Print Reporters Abandon Gingrich

But candidate still vows he'll soldier on to convention

(Newser) - It's a good thing Newt Gingrich didn't like that pesky old mainstream media anyway, because the print media has pulled its last embedded reporters from Gingrich's flailing campaign, reports Politico , which employed one of the last two reporters dedicated to covering the candidate. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution was...

Romney's Staff Destroying His Chances

John Cassidy: Nothing going for Mitt but money

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign keeps shooting itself in the foot, and the GOP frontrunner may have passed the point of no return, writes John Cassidy in the New Yorker . After last week's blunders, Cassidy has finally had to admit "that trying to rescue Romney’s presidential bid may...

Santorum Calls Out NYT Reporter's 'BS'

He's still on the defensive after Mitt Romney comments

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been on the defensive ever since stating that President Obama would be better than Mitt Romney, the Etch a Sketch candidate. But last night he'd apparently had enough. After stating that "RomneyCare" is too similar to "ObamaCare" and makes Romney "the worst Republican...

Santorum: Mitt's Advantage Is 'Bad Math'

Revisions to Florida, other states will change delegates, says Santorum

(Newser) - So does Mitt Romney really have an unbeatable two-to-one delegate lead over Rick Santorum? Not according to Santorum, who called it "bad math" yesterday, according to Fox News . "There's a lot of bad math there that doesn't reflect the reality of what's going on. I...

GOP: OK, It&#39;s Romney

 GOP: OK, 
 It's Romney 


GOP: OK, It's Romney

Also, Paul Ryan says he'd be open to vice president slot if asked

(Newser) - Republicans watched Rick Santorum's convincing victory in Louisiana last night, eyed his burgeoning numbers in Wisconsin, and ... took to the Sunday talk shows today to concede that Mitt Romney would win the nomination, and that they are OK with that. A look around your Sunday dial, as per Politico...

David Plouffe Lambastes GOP &#39;Clown Show&#39;
 David Plouffe 
 Lambastes GOP 
 'Clown Show' 


David Plouffe Lambastes GOP 'Clown Show'

Targets 'reckless' Gingrich comments on Trayvon Martin murder

(Newser) - David Plouffe is making the talk-show rounds this morning, and CNN reports that he's wasting zero time in bashing Newt Gingrich for accusing President Obama of politicizing the Trayvon Martin killing , and dismissing the GOP nomination race at large as a "clown show." Gingrich "is clearly...

Santorum Wins in Louisiana
 Santorum Wins 
 in Louisiana 

Santorum Wins in Louisiana

But his delegate deficit remains daunting

(Newser) - Rick Santorum won the Louisiana primary as expected to keep alive his faint hopes for the GOP nomination, reports AP . Santorum easily bested Mitt Romney to rebound from last week's loss in Illinois. But given that only 20 delegates were at stake, tonight's results won't do much...

Santorum Banking On Louisiana Victory

State holds primary today, and he's leading in the polls

(Newser) - Rick Santorum is looking to Louisiana for a much-needed rebound as Republican voters go to the polls today in the state's GOP primary. The former Pennsylvania senator is expected to do well in the contest, just a handful of days after a decisive loss to Mitt Romney in Illinois....

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>