Tucson, Arizona

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Sarah Palin Swings at Media's 'Blood Libel'

Shares first extended comments on the tragedy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin called it "incomprehensible why a single, evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day" in her first extended statement about the Arizona shootings—and then moved from addressing the tragedy to addressing the blame game surrounding it. "Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists...

Giffords' Husband: In Sickness, Awaiting Health

Mark Kelly keeps vigil by wife's side in newly released photos

(Newser) - Mark Kelly probably never thought marriage to the adventurous Gabrielle Giffords would mean days spent keeping vigil in an Arizona hospital room, but that's just what he's doing in these newly released photos, the first of Giffords since the shooting. The two photos, which show her hand being held by...

Loughner Sought Help on Gaming Forums

Loughner complained of rejection, unemployment

(Newser) - Jared Loughner sought help and advice from a community of online gamers, postings unearthed by the Wall Street Journal show. "Does anyone have aggression 24/7?" he asked last May in a forum associated with the game Earth Empires. Loughner complained about being spurned by women and having trouble finding...

Tucson Tea Party: We're Victims, Too

Activist says opponents are manipulating tragedy

(Newser) - The co-founder of Tucson's Tea Party says the movement is another innocent victim of Saturday's shootings. Trent Humphries—whose local sheriff has publicly blamed vitriolic talk radio and Tea Party activists in part for the incident—says he has been receiving hate mail blaming him directly for the deaths. The...

Seeking Solace, Tucson Honors Victims at Mass

Hundreds gather to seek comfort

(Newser) - Tucson's citizens gathered by the hundreds last night, crowded under the roof of the Catholic church where Christina Taylor Green used to sing in the choir to pay homage to her and the other victims of Saturday's shootings just blocks from where they took place. "I know she is...

Arizona Bans Funeral Protests
Arizona Bans
Funeral Protests

Arizona Bans Funeral Protests

Lawmakers head off group's plan to protest at Tucson victims' funerals

(Newser) - Arizona lawmakers have moved swiftly to prevent the Westboro Baptist Church from carrying out its plan to picket the funerals of Tucson shooting victims . Emergency legislation banning protests at or near funeral sites was signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer Tuesday evening after it was unanimously approved by the...

Most Americans Say Politics Played No Role in Shooting

Nearly 6 in 10 don't blame rhetoric, says CBS poll

(Newser) - Pundits aside , most Americans don't actually think the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was caused by inflammatory political rhetoric, CBS News reports. Of 673 people polled on the issue, 57% said political discourse had nothing to do with the shooting, while 32% said it did. In a reflection of...

Westboro Funeral Picketers to Be Confronted by 'Angels'

Silent supporters will block mourners with large wings

(Newser) - When Westboro Baptist Church picketers arrive at the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green on Thursday, they’ll be met by a group of angels. Tucson residents are coming together to build 8- by 10-foot angel wings, which participants will wear while surrounding the mourners. "We want to surround...

Jon Stewart: You Can't Outsmart Crazy

But let's act sane so we can spot the crazies, he pleads

(Newser) - A subdued, thoughtful Jon Stewart tried in vain last night to make some sense of the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that left six dead, and concluded there is no easy answer because "you cannot outsmart crazy." Still, he urged political rhetoric to become saner, if only...

Giffords Boasted of Her Prowess With a Glock

Startling comment highlights Arizona passion for weapons

(Newser) - Assassination target Rep. Gabrielle Giffords boasted in an interview last year: "I have a Glock 9 millimeter and I'm a pretty good shot." The startling comment coming from a woman who would soon be a shooting victim of the same gun model reveals perhaps the one thing she...

Obamas to Attend Tucson Memorial Service

President will speak at service, meet with families

(Newser) - President Obama will travel to Arizona tomorrow to attend a memorial service for the victims of the weekend shooting, administration officials say. Obama, who will be joined by the First Lady will also likely meet with the family of Gabrielle Giffords and the families of other shooting victims, aides tell...

Limbaugh, Beck: Don't Blame Us for Jared Loughner

Limbaugh calls it 'embarrassing day for media'

(Newser) - There's been a lot of shouting today about the role of inflammatory rhetoric in the Tucson shootings, but Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are having none of it. Beck took aim at Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who, in the wake of the shootings, called Arizona a "mecca for...

Giffords Stable, Husband Says 'Little We Can Do but Pray'

Husband thanks nation for 'outpouring of support'

(Newser) - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is in stable—though still critical—condition ahead of her alleged attacker’s court appearance today at 2pm in Phoenix, CNN reports. Giffords is "functioning at a high level," though "we’re not out of the woods yet," said a doctor. "At...

Unabomber Lawyer Set to Defend Loughner

Suspect silent, uncooperative, say police

(Newser) - The lawyer who defended the Unabomber and Timothy McVeigh is poised to defend Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged gunman in the Tucson shooting. The Phoenix Federal Public Defender’s office has suggested San Diego attorney Judy Clarke handle the case; she’ll join Loughner in court today and request to...

Clinton: 'We Have Extremists in My Country'

Hillary makes reference to Jared Lee Loughner on UAE talk show

(Newser) - No euphemisms for Hillary Clinton. While speaking on a United Arab Emirates talk show today, the secretary of state compared the Tucson shooter to a ideologically driven terrorist, the Los Angeles Times reports. “Look, we have extremists in my country,” she said. “A wonderful, incredibly brave young...

What the Arizona Shootings Mean
What the Arizona
Shootings Mean
analysis roundup

What the Arizona Shootings Mean

Maybe no more access to reps—and hopefully, no more violent rhetoric

(Newser) - As Gabrielle Giffords fights for her life, questions arise: How will this affect other US representatives, who typically interact with the public much more than other political figures? And who—or what—is to blame? Some viewpoints:
  • “Congress and its members are about to be permanently quarantined, physically isolated,

Jared Loughner Charged in Giffords Shooting

Suspect possibly connected to anti-government group

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors today charged Jared Lee Loughner with two counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder, reports the Arizona Republic . "Additional charges could be brought under domestic terrorism statutes as the investigation continues,'' said FBI director Robert Mueller. Investigators also carried out a search warrant at...

Docs: Giffords Communicating With Us

Doctors are 'cautiously optimistic'

(Newser) - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was "able to communicate with us this morning" by responding to simple commands, say her doctors. "We are very encouraged by that," says Dr. Michael Lemole, the chief of neurosurgery at the University Medical Center in Tuscon. In a press conference today, doctors said...

Intern Stanched Giffords' Bleeding 'Til Help Came

It was Day 5 on the job for Daniel Hernandez

(Newser) - Daniel Hernandez might have expected to be answering the phone or making coffee, but on the fifth day of his internship he found himself covered in his boss' blood, reports the Arizona Republic: As shots rang out yesterday, Hernandez says he ran toward the victims. "I don't even know...

Mom of Slain 9-Year-Old: 'Stop the Hatred'
Mom of Slain 9-Year-Old:
'Stop the Hatred'

Mom of Slain 9-Year-Old: 'Stop the Hatred'

'I just want her memory to live on,' says Roxana Green

(Newser) - Born on Sept. 11, 2001, Christina-Taylor Green came into the world in the midst of a national tragedy, and she left it yesterday, an innocent bystander in the hail of bullets that cut down Gabrielle Giffords. Mom Roxanna Green gave an emotional interview with MSNBC this morning, reports Politico , noting...

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