A high-stakes Wisconsin Supreme Court race is drawing significant outside influence and funding. Conservative nonprofit Building America's Future, backed by Elon Musk, is spending $1.6 million on ads supporting Republican candidate Brad Schimel. The billionaire and Trump adviser, who spent an estimated $250 million supporting Trump in the presidential election, has publicly backed Schimel. The race will determine the court's political leaning, impacting major issues like abortion, union rights, and redistricting.
Schimel, a former state attorney general, is endorsed by other billionaires, including Diane Hendricks and Joe Ricketts. His opponent, Susan Crawford, is backed by the Wisconsin Democratic Party and benefactors like George Soros and Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker. The election, scheduled for April 1, is touted as America's most significant race in 2025. Schimel hopes for a Trump endorsement, citing Trump's popularity. He said: "Who wouldn't want the endorsement of the sitting president, who is enjoying high popularity right now?" (This story was generated by Newser's AI chatbot. Source: the AP)