global warming

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6 Die From Brain-Eating Amoeba
6 Die From Brain-Eating Amoeba 

6 Die From Brain-Eating Amoeba

Global warming may make cases more common

(Newser) - It's an ominous name—Naegleria fowleri. And it's a more ominous creature, a waterborne amoeba that enters a swimmer's nose, latches onto the olfactory nerve, and travels to the brain, where it feeds until its victim dies. A 14-year-old Arizona boy died this month from Naegleria—one of six US...

Bush Boosts Clean Green Platform
Bush Boosts Clean Green Platform

Bush Boosts Clean Green Platform

Speech light on specifics; critics see end run around UN

(Newser) - President Bush asserted his commitment to fighting global warming today and proposed an "international clean technology fund" that would fund green initiatives in developing countries. But his attempt to address his administration's poor environmental reputation probably changed few minds, the Times reports, because of its lack of firm commitments...

Evangelicals Divided Over Global Warming

True believers want to know if the Bible Belt should go green

(Newser) - Tensions among evangelicals are rising along with the sea level in a battle over whether concern for the environment has a place in houses of worship. Both sides of the widening gulf quote scripture, either to remind that God's plan is unalterable, or to cite the biblical injunction to be...

Tourism Heats Up as Arctic Does
Tourism Heats Up as Arctic Does

Tourism Heats Up as Arctic Does

Travelers flock to see dwindling ice caps, speeding up their destruction

(Newser) - The effects of global warming are drawing a crowd. About 1.5 million people will visit the arctic this year, as climate tourists swarm to see the world’s ice caps as they are beginning to melt. But it’s an ironic endeavor, the Wall Street Journal notes, because eco-tourists...

The Arctic Is Ours: Kremlin
The Arctic Is Ours: Kremlin

The Arctic Is Ours: Kremlin

Russia claims polar mineral wealth

(Newser) - In the latest audacious claim by Russia, the nation is insisting that rock samples taken 13,000 feet beneath the North Pole prove that a large part of the Arctic seabed is rightfully Russian territory. The US, Canada, Norway and Denmark also have territorial claims to the mineral-rich area that's...

Just 2&deg;C, but a Different World
Just 2°C, but a Different World

Just 2°C, but a Different World

Climate change conference insists that humans will have to adapt to survive

(Newser) - The European Union set itself an ambitious goal when it pledged to rein in global rises in temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius. That goal is now unlikely to be met, reports a UN-established group that presented its findings in London today. Martin Parry, who leads the Intergovernmental Panel on...

CA Tosses Global Warming Suit v. Automakers

Judge dismisses California's charges against carmakers

(Newser) - A federal judge has thrown out California's attempt to hold automakers liable for the environmental implications of vehicle emissions, the LA Times reports. The judge who rejected the much-watched lawsuit Monday called global warming a "political question" for legislators, rather than courts. The suit had blamed carmakers for Sierra...

Apocalypse Not Now: Saving the Earth Demands Positive Vision

The answer is funding innovations, say writers

(Newser) - Apocalyptic thinking and small solutions aren’t capable of saving the world in the Inconvenient Truth age; instead, we need optimism and innovation funding, say New Republic writers Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger. Reducing energy consumption, at the root of global warming, is not realistic, they argue.

11,000 People With No Place to Go... Yet

Global warming will put Polynesian island underwater in 50 years

(Newser) - Legal experts are debating what to do with the people of Tuvalu, a Polynesian island state which will be underwater in 50 years if the globe keeps warming. Many residents have found homes in New Zealand but others have met resistance in Australia, where immigration is an election issue. International...

Ancient Texts Fill Blanks in Climate History

Accounts by monks, soldiers, doctors help track global warming

(Newser) - Scientists are poring over the diaries of 17th century Swiss monks and Parisian physicians for data to help judge changes in Europe’s climate, the AP reports. Piecing together records from things as disparate as military campaigns and cherry blossom festivals dispels any doubt that the Earth is heating up,...

Earth Flunks Its Annual Physical
Earth Flunks Its Annual Physical

Earth Flunks Its Annual Physical

Most vital signs bad as planet suffers from greenhouse gas

(Newser) - Most of the Earth's vital stats are "pronouncedly bad," according to a research institute that tracks 44 indicators of the world's health. Only six were positive. More wood was harvested this year than ever before, meat production and consumption hit record highs, people ate 156 million metric tons...

Auto-Emission Ruling Boosts States' Rights

Federal judge rules against carmakers on standards for greenhouse gases

(Newser) - Vermont can set its own greenhouse emissions standards to curb gases that contribute to global warming, a federal judge ruled yesterday in a decision that boosts states’ rights. Automakers sued the state after it adopted standards originally made law in California, saying the regulations were impractical and would upend the...

Bad News Plagues Bears
Bad News Plagues Bears

Bad News Plagues Bears

As ice caps melt, trophy hunters take aim, polar bears belong on endangered list

(Newser) - It's bad enough when 40% of your habitat will disappear by mid-century, but add trophy hunters taking advantage of a loophole in US law, and it's not a good time to be a polar bear, the Independent on Sunday reports. The bears are not listed as endangered so 950 pelts...

APEC Leaders Agree to Take on Global Warming

But pact isn't ambitious enough, critics say

(Newser) - Leaders of 21 Pacific Rim nations yesterday pledged to “slow, stop, and then reverse” greenhouse emissions, at the annual APEC summit. The group—which includes developing nations and top emitters Russia, China, Japan, and the US—could influence UN climate change negotiations. But critics call the pact unambitious, citing...

Arctic Thaw Set at 40% by 2050
Arctic Thaw Set at 40% by 2050

Arctic Thaw Set at 40% by 2050

Researchers put 40% of Arctic underwater by 2050

(Newser) - At least 40% of the polar icecap will be gone by 2050, Seattle scientists predicted today, putting the meltdown way ahead of earlier predictions that so much ice would take a century to vanish. Greenhouse gases, which linger in the atmosphere for up to 50 years, are primarily responsible for...

Thousands Flee Felix
Thousands Flee Felix

Thousands Flee Felix

Up to 15,000 stranded in their homes

(Newser) - Hurricane Felix, which grew with record-breaking speed over the weekend into a Category 5 storm, made landfall this morning in a lightly populated area near the border of Honduras and Nicaragua and continued moving west. Tens of thousands of Hondurans took shelter yesterday but up to 15,000 lacked transport,...

Felix Reaches Category 5
Felix Reaches Category 5

Felix Reaches Category 5

Storm Heads for Central America and the Yucatan Peninsula

(Newser) - Hurricane Felix grew into a Category 5—the most dangerous—storm last night, packing winds of 127 mph as it roared west across the southern Caribbean, heading for Central America. Felix is predicted to brush the Honduras coastline tomorrow, and hit Belize on Wednesday, the AP reports.

Do Carbon 'Offsets' Really Offset Anything?

Inconvenient Truth director says offsets have 'symbolic quality'

(Newser) - Everyone from Al Gore to Coldplay has jumped on the carbon offset bandwagon, but the Los Angeles Times reports that their payments don’t actually make the air any cleaner. Here's how they work: "Offset” companies invest in existing clean energy and win the right to sell “reductions”...

Massive Ice Island Finds Itself in a Jam

Floating danger now safely wedged in canal, scientists hope

(Newser) - An ice island that became a global warming icon when it separated from the Canadian Arctic mainland is now caught in a remote channel—and scientists believe it's stuck there indefinitely. The Ayles Ice Island, born two years ago and slightly larger than Manhattan, had been moving rapidly and was...

Record Heat Fries Phoenix
Record Heat Fries Phoenix

Record Heat Fries Phoenix

Nearly a month’s worth of temps topping 110

(Newser) - Phoenix citizens can’t blunt this hot spell with claims of “dry heat”: The city’s just marked its 29th day in a year of 110-degree temperatures. Urbanization and global warming are likely factors in the chart-topping season, though Phoenicians have been spared a highest-ever figure, the AP reports—...

Stories 841 - 860 | << Prev   Next >>