global warming

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Dim Sun Is Cold Comfort to Scientists

(Newser) - The sun may be heading for one of its dimmest periods in history, but that doesn't mean the big star is joining the battle against global warming, according to scientists. The sun hit a 100-year low in sunspot activity last year, reports the Telegraph.

Leaded Gas May Have Slowed Climate Change

(Newser) - The dirty fumes of leaded gas may have curbed global warming for a few decades in the 20th century, the New Scientist reports. Researchers in Washington state have found that lead particles are key to creating ice crystals, which help form clouds—which aid global cooling by reflecting sunlight back...

EPA's CO2 Ruling May Have Huge Impact

(Newser) - The EPA's decision today to declare carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases dangerous pollutants could have enormous consequences for US businesses, writes Andy Stone in Forbes. The big winner: green technology. The ruling could eventually give the EPA unprecedented regulatory control over everything from power plants to oil refineries...

Third-World Cookstoves Ignite Carbon Debate

Cutting soot could slow climate change by 18%

(Newser) - A simple $20 stove may be the ticket to slowing global warming by nearly a fifth, the New York Times reports. Soot—otherwise known as black carbon—is the second-biggest contributor to climate change, and it spews from hundreds of millions of simple stoves in developing countries daily. Installing solar-powered...

Battered Australia a Preview of Climate Devastation

Country grapples with drought, wildfires, and heat

(Newser) - Pummeled by drought, wildfires, and heat, Australia may be offering the world a preview of what’s to come as the planet warms, experts say. “Australia is the harbinger of change,” says a paleontologist. Many say climate change has already taken a human toll in the 173 killed...

White House Mulls Drastic Action on Climate Change

Geo-engineering could be last resort, Holdren says

(Newser) - Global warming may get to the point where drastic "geo-engineering" measures to cool the earth will be necessary, President Obama’s top science adviser tells the AP. John Holdren said shooting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect some sunlight is a last resort, but one he's raised...

Post Story on Arctic Calls Out Post Columnist Will

(Newser) - George Will takes a fair amount of flak for his view that global warming is a bunch of hooey. Now he's taking it from the news pages of his own paper, writes David Roberts in Grist. A story today in the Washington Post cites evidence showing a decline in Arctic...

Snapped Antarctica Ice Bridge Stokes Warming Alarm

First break for massive, retreating shelf

(Newser) - A massive 25-mile-long Antarctic ice bridge between a Jamaica-sized ice shelf and an island has broken in what scientists are calling an alarming sign of runaway global warming, the BBC reports. It was the first time the shelf, which has been retreating for years, has lost a link holding it...

Scientists Solve Riddle of 'Medieval Warm' Era

Finding debunks climate-change deniers

(Newser) - Atlantic ocean winds warmed Europe 1000 years ago, scientists say, scuttling a key argument used by those who deny current pollution is causing climate change. The natural regional phenomenon pinpointed as the cause of the Medieval Warm Period no longer exists and cannot be responsible for current global warming, reports...

EPA Warns of Global Warming, Spurs New Policy

(Newser) - The Environmental Protection Agency sent the White House a message today that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are detrimental to human health, Reuters reports. The "endangerment finding" may open the door for Washington to curb emissions that cause global warming. "I think it's historic news," one...

Global Warming Will Bring 'Global Weirding'
 Global Warming Will Bring 'Global Weirding'

Global Warming Will Bring 'Global Weirding'

(Newser) - While the physical changes brought on by global warming—droughts, floods, and the like—are fairly easy to model, the effect on ecosystems is disconcertingly unpredictable, John Waldman writes in Yale Environment 360. Species will shift migration patterns and seek new homes, affecting other species in ways we can't imagine....

Warming Is Polar Bears' Top Killer, Host Nations Agree

US, Russia, Norway, Denmark and Canada sign joint statement on bear population

(Newser) - Five nations whose land is home to polar bears signed a joint statement today declaring global warming to be the biggest threat to the animals, AFP reports. Canada, Denmark/Greenland, Norway, Russia, and the US agree that “long-term conservation of polar bears depends upon successful mitigation of climate change,”...

Norway Summit to Debate Cutback in Polar Bear Hunts

Hunters kill 3% of polar bears each year

(Newser) - World leaders meet tomorrow in Norway to consider reducing polar bear hunting, reports the Independent. Conservation organizations estimate the polar bear population, particularly hard hit by global warming, will drop two-thirds to the brink of extinction over the next 50 years. Greenland, the US and Russia permit hunting by Inuit...

Climate Change Doom Looms for 85% of Amazon

Death of much of the rainforest is inevitable even under most optimistic scenario

(Newser) - Climate change may be a bigger threat to the Amazon rainforest than all the chainsaws in the world, the Guardian reports. New research predicts a global temperature rise of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit—widely believed to be the best-case scenario even if carbon emissions are slashed—would kill off up...

Sea Levels Rising Faster Than Expected

(Newser) - Top climate scientists say sea levels are rising faster than expected, the Times of London reports. The world's oceans will rise about 3 feet by the end of the century, double the amount predicted in a 2007 estimate by the UN. The new figure, blamed on melting ice sheets, could...

Rocks Could Help US Bury Global Warming

Scientists find 6K square miles that could absorb carbon

(Newser) - Could the high-tech solution to global warming be… rock formations? Geologists have identified roughly 6,000 square miles of large formations in the US that could be used to store excess carbon dioxide, LiveScience reports. Ultramafic rocks, which originate deep beneath the earth, convert carbon dioxide into hard minerals. Typically...

Climate Alarmists Are Off Base: George Will

Only one fact debated; 'that challenge was mistaken': Will

(Newser) - George Will set off a flurry of criticism this month with a column that questioned global warming. In his Post column today, he's not backing down, taking particular aim at the New York Times—long “a megaphone for the alarmed.” A Times article by Andrew Revkin asserted that...

Scientists Pitch Massive Mirror Sun Shade to Save Earth

Mastermind convinced $350T project will get off ground in some 20 years

(Newser) - Scientists are proposing a stunning rescue project right out of a science fiction movie to save the earth from global warming: a massive 100,000-square-mile mirrored "sun shade." Trillions of tiny mirrors would be blasted by a cannon into space a million miles above earth to deflect the...

Crash Ends Mission to Track Global Warming

Rocket carrying satellite ends up in ocean, sinking $280M project

(Newser) - A rocket carrying a NASA satellite crashed near Antarctica after a failed launch early yesterday, ending a $280 million mission to track global warming from space. The rocket carrying the Orbiting Carbon Observatory blasted off just before 2am from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base. But minutes later a cover protecting...

Obama, Harper Launch 'Clean Energy Dialogue'

(Newser) - President Obama and PM Stephen Harper today announced an environmental partnership between the US and Canada, the Globe and Mail reports. Harper spoke of a “clean energy dialogue” between top officials to “collaborate on the development of clean energy science and technology.” Said Obama, who was making...

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>