The Daily Show

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Stewart: Fox Had 'Avalanche on Bullsh** Mountain'

Kelly to Rove: Is that math, or Republican-friendly math?

(Newser) - Things went pretty smoothly for the networks on Election Night, Jon Stewart said on last night's Daily Show —with the screaming exception of the station he lovingly dubs "BMN: Bullshit Mountain News." Or as you know it, Fox News. Stewart runs down Fox pundits devoutly dismissing...

Jon Stewart Composes Debate 'Duet'

The 'Daily Show' blasts Mitt Romney for flip-flopping

(Newser) - To hear Republicans tell it, Barack Obama has been the weakest president on foreign policy since "Flinchington J. Craphispants," Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, so it was pretty shocking when Mitt Romney spent the entire foreign policy debate agreeing with Barack Obama. After...

Obama on Libya: &#39;I Wasn&#39;t Confused&#39;
 Obama on Libya: 
 'I Wasn't Confused' 
Daily Show Interview

Obama on Libya: 'I Wasn't Confused'

Jon Stewart asks about wiretapping, Congress

(Newser) - Barack Obama stopped by the Daily Show last night for the lightest of grillings on matters ranging from economic policy to the situation in Libya. Stewart pressed Obama on whether he thought Romney had a point about unemployment being too high. Obama defended his record, adding, "We could be...

Stewart's Guide to the Craziest Congressmen

Featuring Todd Akin, evolution-basher Paul Broun, and more

(Newser) - On last night's Daily Show , Jon Stewart took a break from the presidential race to focus on some of Congress' top nutjobs. Leading the pack of "magnificent bastards": Todd Akin of "legitimate rape" fame, who suggests that the female body has "magical powers." In fact,...

Jon Stewart on Big Bird: 'Let It Go!'

Host fed up with Obama's Sesame Street obsession

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has had exactly enough of this Big Bird stuff from the Obama campaign. From stump speeches to a campaign ad , the big yellow guy is everywhere these days, Stewart noted on last night's Daily Show . The tipping point for the host:'s appearance on...

Sesame Street to Obama: Take Down Big Bird Ad

Daily Show offers right-wing dream of Sesame Street

(Newser) - Mitt Romney knows who America's real economic scourge is, and he's big and yellow. A cheeky new Obama campaign ad pokes fun at Mitt Romney's attack on Big Bird and PBS at the debate by labeling the children's icon an "evil genius who towered over"...

Stewart on US Libya Response: Do You Guys Talk at All?

'Daily Show' host baffled by Obama administration

(Newser) - The Obama administration's behavior in the aftermath of the Libya consulate attack was so ridiculous, it pushed Jon Stewart to develop a new Daily Show segment last night: "Do You Guys Ever Talk to Each Other or…" Initially, the attack was blamed on a controversial anti-Islam video;...

Modern Family, Homeland Win Big at the Emmys

Plus, wins for 'Veep,' 'Game Change,' 'Two and a Half Men'

(Newser) - And they're off! Host Jimmy Kimmel opened the Emmys with jokes about Honey Boo Boo and politics ("Being a Republican in Hollywood is like being a Chick-fil-A sandwich on the snack table at Glee."), and noted that this is the first year none of the four...

Stewart: 47% Gaffe Turns Fox Into 'Bulls#%t Mountain'

Daily Show host asks who the real moochers are

(Newser) - Jon Stewart did what he does best on last night's Daily Show : Made fun of Fox News, or as he calls it, "Romney Campaign Headquarters." In a segment hilariously titled "Chaos on Bullshit Mountain," Stewart ran through the network's oft-contradictory attempts to spin Romney'...

Jon Stewart: Romney's Own Dad Wouldn't Vote for Him

George Romney spent early years on welfare

(Newser) - Jon Stewart weighed in on Mitt Romney's 47% controversy last night —or, as he described it, Romney "talking to rich people about poorer people in a manner you would imagine cartoon rich people talk about cartoon poorer people." The first problem with Romney's position: Almost...

Jon Stewart to Rob Pattinson: Kick Her to the Curb

Jokey Rob on the mend on Daily Show

(Newser) - Poor soul-wounded Rob Pattinson seemed pretty chipper last night as he bravely faced his public for an almost heart-to-heart on The Daily Show . Jon Stewart broke out some Ben & Jerry's ice cream (Karamel Sutra for a chuckling Rob), pointing out that the treat had carried him through some...

News Channels Ruining Games for Jon Stewart

'Spoiler alerts' aren't working, says Daily Show host

(Newser) - The bizarre phenomenon of Olympic "spoiler alerts" is driving Jon Stewart nuts. CNN asks viewers to put the TV on mute before the newscasters go on to announce results. "People watch CNN not on mute?" Stewart asked incredulously on last night's Daily Show , poking at the ways...

Stewart: Romney&#39;s Misusing His Time Machine
 Stewart: Romney's 
 Misusing His Time Machine 

Stewart: Romney's Misusing His Time Machine

Also, why does Mitt's horse get to go to prom?

(Newser) - Jon Stewart joined the chorus mocking Mitt Romney's " retroactive retirement " on last night's Daily Show . "I'm not saying that if you have a time machine you necessarily have to kill Hitler," he quipped, "But this retroactive retirement is the worst use of...

Stewart: We Need You, Donald Trump!

Because Romney vs. Obama sounds like a snooze-fest

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has officially locked up the GOP nomination, and Jon Stewart, for one, is depressed: Now, we're facing a long, dreary election between "Johnny Pregnant Pause" (Obama) and "Captain Chucklebuns" (Romney). "This is election is going to suuuuck," he complained on the Daily Show...

Michelle Tells Stewart About 'Post-Dope' Obama

Obama 'realized he could do more with his life,' she says

(Newser) - Michelle Obama capped a media blitz that included visits to Good Morning America and the View with an appearance on the Daily Show last night. The first lady, ostensibly promoting her new cookbook, didn't take the bait when Jon Stewart asked about her husband's pot-smoking high school years,...

Roger Ailes: Jon Stewart Told Me He's a Socialist

Fox News chief slams MSNBC, 'cesspool of bias' NYT

(Newser) - Ever wonder what would happen if Jon Stewart and Roger Ailes went for a beer? According to Ailes, the two actually did meet in a bar once—and the Daily Show host "basically admitted he's a socialist," said Ailes. The Fox News chief, speaking at his alma...

Delta Drops Daily Show Amid 'Vagina Manger' Furor

Catholics declare victory

(Newser) - Delta Airlines has decided to pull its ads from the Daily Show, prompting a round of gloating from the Catholic League, BuzzFeed reports. The Catholic League is still angry about a bit last month in which Stewart joked that if women wanted to get Fox News to take the "...

Stewart Blasts GOP Outrage Over bin Laden Ad

Presents ad as Bush would have run it

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's explanation for Republicans' attacks on President Obama's Osama bin Laden ad: They must be on crack. "Republicans, you are annoyed by the arrogance and braggadocio of a wartime president’s political ad?" he asked on last night's Daily Show . "Were you alive lo...

Stewart: No One Wants to Be Romney's VP

'Daily Show' host runs down the rejections

(Newser) - Now that we know Mitt Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee, only one question remains: Who will serve as his running mate? The answer to the question so far seems to be a resounding "Not it!," Jon Stewart pointed out last night . He ran through those who...

Catholic League Threatens Daily Show Boycott

Jon Stewart used racy Nativity scene in bit attacking Fox News

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's attempt to tweak Fox News earlier this week has the Catholic League threatening to organize a boycott of his Daily Show. Leaders are furious about a bit that aired Monday that strategically placed a Nativity scene over a naked woman's private parts. It was part of...

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