endangered species

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It's a Bird! No, It's Putin's Latest Crazy Gambit

Pooty-poot escorts endangered cranes ... dressed like a bird

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin hasn't proven to be the biggest hit with Russians of late, so what's a hockey star / fake archaeologist / shirtless horseman / whale hunter / virgin lover to do? Most politicians might kiss a baby, but Putin opted for the logical alternative: The Russian president...

Eco Groups to US: Make Move on Great White Sharks

Petition filed to list one population as endangered species

(Newser) - The latest endangered species is one conventionally feared as more harmful to us than the other way around: the great white shark. Environmental groups want the northeastern Pacific Ocean population added to the endangered species list, the Los Angeles Times reports. The population off California's coast, a genetically distinct...

China: No More Shark Fin Soup at State Banquets

Delicacy off menus as shark populations shrink

(Newser) - Campaigners fighting to save the world's rapidly shrinking population of sharks have scored a big victory in China. The central government says it is banning the serving of shark fin soup—a delicacy widely seen as an essential part of lavish dinners—from official banquets nationwide. The ruling could...

Cougars Again Prowl Midwest
 Cougars Again Prowl Midwest 

Cougars Again Prowl Midwest

178 confirmed sightings between 1990 and 2008

(Newser) - Cougars are again spreading across the Midwest a century after the generally reclusive predators were hunted to near-extinction, according to a new study in the Journal of Wildlife Management. The study showed 178 cougar confirmations in the Midwest between 1990 and 2008—up significantly from sightings before 1990, when there...

Zoos Choose Which Species Live, Which Ones Die

Zoo directors try to strike a balance with entertaining the public

(Newser) - To be or not to be: That is increasingly the question for American zoos, which have to choose whether entire species live or die, the New York Times reports. With many species facing extinction, zoos are being asked to preserve the most endangered, a mission that can conflict with their...

2011's Elephant Carnage: Tens of Thousands

Populations on decline across Africa, wildlife groups warn

(Newser) - The mass slaughter of elephants and rhinos in Africa by poachers has once again reached crisis levels, warns the world body that tracks endangered species. As many as tens of thousands of elephants were slaughtered by poachers last year alone, and the illegal trade in tusks and horns is "...

Mystery Illness Kills 4 White Rhinos in Aussie Zoo

Experts baffled by white rhino die-off

(Newser) - Rhino experts from around the world have been stumped by an illness killing off white rhinos at an Australian zoo. Four white rhinos have died at the New South Wales zoo over the last few weeks. All of them died suddenly after displaying neurological problems like stumbling, the Age reports....

To Save Owls, Gov't Wants to ... Kill Owls

Barred owls are a rival to the threatened spotted owl

(Newser) - The Obama administration is trying to save the spotted owl, but bailing out the endangered critter might just involve the premeditated demise of someone sitting on the family tree: The larger barred owl is a rival to the spotted owl, and is often cited as one of the major threats...

Scientists Find Monkeys Thought to Be Extinct

And they weren't even looking for them

(Newser) - Scientists have stumbled upon a monkey many thought no longer existed. Seeking leopards and orangutans, the researchers placed camera traps in an Indonesian forest. When they checked the pictures, they were astonished to see images of large gray monkeys none had ever seen before, the AP reports. Photographs of the...

Hawaii's Endangered Seals Being Killed

At least three monk seals have been killed in two months

(Newser) - Three, possibly four, critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals have been deliberately killed in Hawaii in the past two months. No one knows who is killing the seals or why. But the deaths are coming as the federal government steps up its efforts to protect the seals, leading to simmering resentment...

2011: Deadly Year for Elephants
 2011: Deadly Year for Elephants 

2011: Deadly Year for Elephants

Ivory seizures represent at least 2.5K dead

(Newser) - This year will ring out as one of the deadliest for elephants since ivory sales were banned more than two decades ago. Officials seized tusks from a record 2,500 elephants, and while some of those could be from long-dead animals, the news still isn't good. "As most...

Amid Mass Die-Offs, Pockets of Brown Bats Survive

Bats appear to be resistant to devastating white nose syndrome

(Newser) - White nose syndrome has killed millions of bats over the past five years, decimating the little brown bat population by more than 90% in some areas, but scientists have found reason to hope: In Vermont and Pennsylvania, there are surviving colonies of the threatened species. “I’m cautiously...

Pocket of Asia Yields 208 New Species—in 1 Year

Mekong region's amazing biodiversity under threat, WWF warns

(Newser) - It's a region that produces a new species every other day: Carnivorous plants that can eat mice, birds, and lizards. An all-female species of lizard that reproduces by self-cloning. Brightly colored geckos bathed in orange, yellow, blue, and green markings. A noseless monkey that looks like it's wearing...

Wild Jaguar Spotted in Arizona
 Wild Jaguar Spotted in Arizona 

Wild Jaguar Spotted in Arizona

Sighting is first since 2009

(Newser) - A wild jaguar has been seen in the US for the first time in more than two years. The sighting was made by an Arizona hunter using dogs to track mountain lions and was confirmed by state wildlife officials. Jaguars—the only big cat in the Americas to roar—are...

Western Black Rhino Extinct
 Western Black Rhino Extinct 

Western Black Rhino Extinct

Another rhino species at the point of no return, IUCN says

(Newser) - The western black rhino, one of four subspecies of black rhino, is now a thing of the past, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's "Red List." The group has declared the black rhino species native to West Africa extinct and says another rhino species,...

Zulus Urged to Switch to Fake Fur

Biologist looks to save endangered leopards with synthetic pelts

(Newser) - A leopard can't change its spots, but can South Africa's Zulus trade their traditional leopard-pelt adornments for a cheap knockoff? For the sake of protecting the country's dwindling population of the big cats, conservation biologist Tristan Dickerson hopes they can. Dickerson has created a fake version he...

London Olympics Blasted for Using Endangered Wood

Team USA will use basketball court for training

(Newser) - At next year’s London Olympics, the US basketball team will train on some pretty rare ground. The court is being made from eucalyptus wood logged in a 1,000-year-old Tasmanian forest that's home to endangered species such as the Tasmanian Devil, activists allege. The UN World Heritage Committee...

Florida Ranchers Give Returning Panthers a Break

Their cows are disappearing, but they're working with conservationists

(Newser) - Florida’s endangered panther population has come a long way; thirty years ago there were just 20 of the big cats left, whereas now there are more than 160 of them. That’s the good news. The bad news? Panthers will be panthers, and Florida ranchers are reporting increasing deaths...

Blue Whales Visit LA for Risky Meals

Shipping-area feeding grounds pose threat to endangered species

(Newser) - Visitors are thrilled by blue whales' frequent appearances at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach—but for the whales, such visits could be deadly, experts warn. The biggest port complex in the country now boasts "the densest concentration" of whales "close to shore in all of...

Earth Holds 8.7M Species, Study Finds

And most of them are still undiscovered

(Newser) - Humanity shares the planet with roughly 8.7 million species, most of them still undiscovered, according to a new study. Researchers used complex mathematical models to tackle a question that has long puzzled scientists, identifying numerical patterns in data from 1.2 million known species, excluding viruses and microorganisms, reports...

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