Chuck Schumer

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White House Wants Justice to Consider Moving Terror Trials

Change follows further criticism from NY pols in 9/11 case

(Newser) - In an about-face a day after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined those opposed to trying 9/11 terror suspects in a lower Manhattan court, the White House yesterday asked the Justice Department to consider alternate venues, the New York Times reports. President Obama is said to continue to support Attorney...

States Roll Out Bans on Texting While Driving

23 states mull laws against practice already banned in 19

(Newser) - Alarmed by the dangers of driving while text messaging, legislatures in 23 states are considering outlawing the practice, which 19 states already ban. Lawmakers “often get involved because there's a high-profile accident that had to do with texting,” an expert tells USA Today . “Also, because everybody has...

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
supreme court

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'

Democrats, good-government groups blast Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - Democrats and campaign reformers alike are railing against today’s Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to use their money how they please in the political arena. “This decision allows Wall Street to tap its vast corporate profits to drown out the voice of the public in our democracy,”...

Own Ill Health Doesn't Keep Byrd From Voting on Reform

92-year-old Dem brought to Senate floor via wheelchair

(Newser) - His own battles with ill health haven’t kept Democrat Robert Byrd from making it to the Senate for key milestones on the long road to the health-care reform vote scheduled for tomorrow morning. The 92-year-old—wheelchair-bound and with a live-in nurse after a recent hospital stay—has only added...

Ben Nelson Deal May Give Reid 60 Votes

Bargaining session said to have yielded agreement on abortion

(Newser) - Senate Dems appear within reach of the 60 votes needed to pass their health care bill after a final burst of deadline bargaining with holdout Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Emerging from marathon talks with Harry Reid and White House officials late last night, Nelson said "real progress" had...

Schumer Lands in Hot Water Over 'Bitch' Comment

Flight attendant made him hang up on Harry Reid

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer set off an unfortunate cascade of events Sunday when he bridled at a flight attendant’s request that he turn off his cell phone so a plane could take off and then muttered that she was a “bitch.” As the story circulated around the Beltway, it...

Harry Reid's No. 1 Priority Is Harry Reid
Harry Reid's No. 1 Priority
Is Harry Reid
dana Milbank

Harry Reid's No. 1 Priority Is Harry Reid

A Senate majority leader needs to 'think bigger'

(Newser) - The Senate may be dealing with weighty issues like health care reform, but its majority leader's biggest concern is his own political skin, writes Dana Milbank. Harry Reid's selfish focus on re-election is getting in the way of his larger duties, and it's time Democrats woke up to this reality....

How Reid Rescued the Public Option
How Reid Rescued
the Public Option

How Reid Rescued the Public Option

Opt-out plan bridged divides in Dem caucus

(Newser) - The public health insurance plan was brought back from the brink of oblivion thanks to Harry Reid's swift adoption of an "opt-out" plan brought to his attention just three weeks ago. In backroom negotiations with members of the Democratic caucus, the majority leader found that the federal approach bridged...

McCain: Afghan Call Can't Wait
 Afghan Call 
 Can't Wait 


McCain: Afghan Call Can't Wait

Troops decision dominates, but everybody backs away from 'dithering' Cheney

(Newser) - The pace of President Obama's decision on troop levels in Afghanistan again dominated the Sunday dial. John McCain told Face the Nation that Obama should move regardless of the Nov. 7 runoff's outcome: "Every day we delay will be a delay in this strategy succeeding.” Orrin Hatch...

Reid Goes for Broke With Public Option Bill

Senate majority leader banks on 60 votes, infuriates Baucus

(Newser) - Harry Reid is preparing to bring a health reform bill that includes a public option to the floor of the Senate, gambling that his 60-member caucus will support the plan if it contains opt-out measures for individual states. The majority leader and other senators met with Barack Obama yesterday to...

Dems Lash Out at Insurance Industry

They move to eliminate anti-trust exemption

(Newser) - All-out war broke out between the Democrats and the insurers today, with Chuck Schumer calling for an amendment to the health care bill that would remove the industry’s long-standing anti-trust immunity. Schumer called the exemption “one of the worst accidents of American history,” blaming it in part...

Public Option Compromise Gains Steam

Proposal creates national plan but lets states opt out

(Newser) - The public option lives: both conservative and liberal Democrats seem to like an idea proposed by Chuck Schumer to establish a national health plan but allow states to opt out if they so choose. Conservative Ben Nelson has backed it, and a spokesman for Max Baucus said he might join...

Forget Baucus: Reid Takes Reins on Health Care

Tough issues will be on the table as the majority leader tries to hammer out a bill

(Newser) - In the Senate Finance Committee, it's all over but the voting, and Democratic hopes for health care reform now rest with Harry Reid, who has to pull something cogent (and passable) out of a welter of conflicting proposals from several committees. That puts him the "in the eye of...

Dems' Silent Fear: What if Reid Loses in 2010?
Dems' Silent Fear: 
What if Reid Loses in 2010?

Dems' Silent Fear: What if Reid Loses in 2010?

Party unity expected to take a hit if majority leader is voted out in 2010

(Newser) - Harry Reid hasn't kept a very high profile as Senate majority leader but the vital role he's been playing will become obvious if he is unseated in next year's elections, say Democratic insiders. Even the Nevada senator's critics admit that he's stopped liberal and moderate Democrats from feuding, and many...

Public Option Fails in Finance Committee

Ball's in Reid's court

(Newser) - The Senate Finance Committee voted down both proposed versions of the public option this afternoon, setting up a showdown between conservative Democrats—who sided with Republicans in opposing the creation of a government plan to compete with private insurers—and their liberal colleagues. Jay Rockefeller's amendment failed, 15-8, shortly before...

Wall Street Doing Its Best to Buy Schumer

Hands NY Dem $1.65M as vote looms on new financial regulations

(Newser) - With a vote looming on Barack Obama’s plan to revamp financial regulations, Wall Street has shoveled $10.6 million into Senate campaign chests this year. Most of that money, $7.7 million, has gone to Democrats, and more than 15% has gone to one man: Chuck Schumer. Schumer’s...

Public Option Lives—If the Left Pushes Hard Enough

Nancy Pelosi still wants it in House-Senate compromise

(Newser) - As health care reform chugs through the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Madden checks in on the prospects for a public option and finds it's not quite dead yet. A big test comes today when the committee votes on amendments from supporters of the public option, such as Jay Rockefeller. "...

NYC Homes Raided in Terrorism Probe

No bombs found; Senator describes action as 'preventative'

(Newser) - Federal agents and New York police raided homes in Queens today as part of an investigation of a possible terrorist attack, the AP reports. Officials said the searches revealed no bombs or other weapons they would describe as “ready for use,” but said the action was based surveillance...

Senate Dems Bring Down Concealed-Weapons Measure

Schumer leads effort to quash Thune amendment

(Newser) - Senate Democrats today narrowly defeated a measure that would have let concealed weapons be transported across state lines, the Hill reports. The amendment, which required 60 votes to pass according to a prior, bipartisan agreement, went down 58-39. Sen. Charles Schumer and majority whip Dick Durbin fought hard to drum...

Tossed Ruling No Rebuke to Sotomayor: Dems

Firefighter decision shows judicial 'modesty'

(Newser) - Democrats are struggling to paint the Supreme Court’s rejection today of an opinion by nominee Sonia Sotomayor as proof that she is, in fact, not an “activist judge,” Roll Call reports. The high court decided to reverse Sotomayor’s 2nd Circuit ruling against white New Haven firefighters...

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