Justine Sacco

3 Stories

What It's Like to Have a Dumb Tweet Ruin Your Life

Jon Ronson tells Justine Sacco's story

(Newser) - When an offensive comment on social media makes headlines, the rest of the world may revel in outrage—while the person who made the regrettable tweet watches her life quickly unravel. And while the Internet moves on to its next controversy, the debacle isn't over so fast for the...



Fired PR exec issues apology over AIDS tweet that exploded

(Newser) - The not-so-PR-savvy former PR executive behind the "tweet heard round the world" is very and predictably sorry, reports ABC . Justine Sacco has issued an apology—blessedly not via Twitter—saying, "Words cannot express how sorry I am, and how necessary it is for me to apologize to the...

PR Exec's Account Deleted After Infamous Tweet
PR Exec Let Go After Offensive Tweet

PR Exec Let Go After Offensive Tweet

Justine Sacco's AIDS joke infuriated the Internet

(Newser) - A PR exec who became an instant Internet villain yesterday appears to have lost her job following fury over an AIDS-related tweet. Media firm IAC says it has "parted ways" with Justine Sacco, CNN reports. She won't be tweeting again anytime soon, either—at least not from the...

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