human rights

Stories 241 - 252 | << Prev 

Amnesty Faults Sudan for Arming Darfur

Planes disguised as U.N. aircraft to foil arms embargo

(Newser) - Amnesty International accuses Sudan of violating the UN arms embargo with the help of  Security Council members Russia and China. The human rights group claims the Khartoum government is using planes disguised as all-white UN aircraft to move military equipment into the embattled region where 200,000 people have already...

Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo
Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo

Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo

(Newser) - The U.S. prison at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan is as bad as Guantanamo, reports Eliza Griswold in the New Republic. Prisoners are kept in barbed-wire cages, beaten, tortured, raped, and held without promise of trial. But unlike Gitmo, Bagram has no visiting congressional delegations.

Democracy Depends on Kurdistan
Democracy Depends on Kurdistan

Democracy Depends on Kurdistan

Human-rights activist sees region as harbinger of Iraq's fate

(Newser) - While the U.S. focuses on Baghdad, a potentially defining crisis is developing in Kurdistan, according to Mark Lattimer, director of Minority Rights Group International. He argues in the Guardian that bloodshed in the only relatively secure region of Iraq is increasing as Kurds forced out of Kirkuk by Saddam...

Taliban Video Shows Young Boy Beheading Prisoner

Preteen appears to execute Pakistani militant; international outcry follows

(Newser) - International outrage is building over a Taliban video in which a preteen boy appears to behead a prisoner. The Guardian reports that the boy, who "appears no older than 12," denounces the man, a Pakistani militant, as an "American spy" in a high-pitched voice before apparently using...

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide
Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Internet tool used to raise awareness of atrocities in Sudan

(Newser) - Google Earth has teamed up with the Holocaust Museum to bring the realities of genocide to your MacBook. "Crisis in Darfur" employs Google Earth wizardry to help users visualize the scope of the atrocities currently unfolding in Sudan. Viewers can see over 1,600 damaged and destroyed villages up...

Gitmo Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike
Gitmo Prisoners Go
On Hunger Strike

Gitmo Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike

13 protest supermax conditions

(Newser) - Thirteen detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention center are on hunger strike, protesting conditions at a maximum-security block known as Camp Six, where 160 inmates are locked in their 8-by-10-foot cells for at least 22 hours a day. It's the first major strike since early 2006, when Gitmo commanders started...

Beijing Ban Spurs Organ Shortage
Beijing Ban Spurs Organ Shortage

Beijing Ban Spurs Organ Shortage

China cleans up for Olympics—and Korean kidney patients feel the pinch

(Newser) - South Korea has a kidney shortage, and the Beijing Olympics are to blame, Der Spiegel reports. China, attempting to clean up its human rights reputation in preparation the 2008 games, has banned organ trafficking and cut down on the state executions that used to create supply. Now countries that used...

Court Orders Abortion Access in Poland

Even where abortion is severely restricted, it must be available to women legally entitled

(Newser) - Even countries that severely restrict abortion must make them available to those who are entitled to them by law, the European court of human rights ruled yesterday. A Polish mother sued because her fourth pregnancy's damage to her failing eyesight made her legally eligible for an abortion to preserve her...



Taha Yassin Ramadan is executed, despite protests of lack of evidence

(Newser) - Saddam’s loyal vice president was hanged today for the same crimes as his boss. Taha Yassin Ramadan became the fourth to be executed in Iraq for the 1982 massacre of Shias in the city of Dujail. Ramadan’s original sentence of life in prison was found on appeal to...

Afghan Women Choose Death by Fire
Afghan Women Choose Death by Fire

Afghan Women Choose Death by Fire

(Newser) - A new human rights report suggests that self-immolation is on the rise among Afghan women, who believe setting themselves on fire is the only sure way to end their agonized lives. The study interviewed the family members of 800 such women, who reported that rape, domestic violence, and accusations against...

Prisoner Sheds Harsh Light on "Black Sites"

Testimony undercuts Bush claims about CIA secret facilities for terror suspects

(Newser) - Details about "black sites"--the network of secret internment facilities for terror suspects the CIA ran until last summer—are emerging as former prisoners tell their stories. The Washington Post interviews Marwan Jabour, an accused al-Qaeda paymaster who spent 28 months in two facilities—where he was drugged, burned,...

CIA Finds No Escape From Secret Prisons

New report places 'black sites' first exposed in 2005 in Poland, Romania

(Newser) - The secret CIA prisons are back. The US cashed in on military alliances with an eager Poland and Romania to skirt civilian regulations on torture and tk, says a report by Europe's central human rights council released today. The report sheds new light on the so-called 'black sites,' which...

Stories 241 - 252 | << Prev