Newt Gingrich 2012

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Gingrich: Obama So Terrible Blacks Will Vote for Us

Gingrich doubles down on 'food stamp' president jab

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich once again called Barack Obama “ the food stamp president ” yesterday, and said Obama has been so bad for black voters that they could jump to the GOP. Last time Gingrich tried the food stamp line—in which he touts himself, by contrast, as the “paycheck...

Gingrich: My Staff Quit Because I'm Too Different

Reagan aides quit during 1980 campaign, Newt notes

(Newser) - Staffers are departing the good ship Gingrich because he's just too different for them, the candidate says. "Philosophically, I am very different from normal politicians, and normal consultants found that very hard to deal with," he told reporters in Atlanta yesterday, Reuters reports. Gingrich, who lost 16...

Gingrich Had Second $1M Tab at Tiffany's

Family's bling appetite up to $1.5M

(Newser) - A half-million-dollar line of credit apparently wasn't large enough to satisfy the Gingrich family's bling appetite. It turns out Newt and wife Callista had a second line of credit at Tiffany's worth close to $1 million, a spokesman has revealed. The second million-dollar tab was revealed yesterday...

Newt's Top Fundraisers Call It Quits

Gingrich campaign to continue 'as committed as ever'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s campaign woes keep piling up: Now two top members of his finance team have departed. Fundraising director Jody Thomas and fundraising consultant Mary Heitman follow 16 other aides who left this month. His press chief says the campaign is "as committed as ever" and spins the...

Newt Rips Media, 'Backstabbing' Ex-Staffers

They just didn't understand a relationship like the Reagans, he says

(Newser) - To say that Newt Gingrich is not happy may be a bit of an understatement. In an interview with Greta van Susteren last night on Fox News, Gingrich ripped his “backstabbing” ex-staff members for criticizing his wife , calling it “despicable” and claiming that they just didn’t like...

Gingrich's Charity Funneled Money to His Businesses

It paid $220,000 to Gingrich Communications, bought cases of books

(Newser) - A nonprofit charity founded by Newt Gingrich has been advancing his political causes and making payments to his for-profit businesses that it didn’t disclose on its tax forms, according to an ABC News investigation. The charity, dubbed Renewing American Leadership, paid $220,000 over the past two years to...

Gingrich's 'Scary' Bash Against Islam Reverberating

Debate soundbite sparks outrage

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's Islamaphobic soundbite in Monday’s GOP debate has given pundits and bloggers something to buzz about. When Herman Cain was asked about his earlier comments that he wouldn’t allow a Muslim in his administration, or that they should take an extra loyalty oath, Gingrich jumped in...

Bachmann, Romney Score as Debate's 'Big Winners'

Bachmann impressed while Romney held firm, say pundits

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and, more surprisingly, Michele Bachmann looked like the big winners in last night's Republican debate in New Hampshire, analysts say.
  • Bachmann, who announced her candidacy during the debate , was "at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control," writes EJ Dionne Jr. at

GOP Hopefuls Target Obama, Not Each Other

Rivals seem united at New Hampshire debate

(Newser) - Seven rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination took to the stage in New Hampshire for a debate tonight, but their focus was on attacking President Obama, not trying to score points off each other. Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann—who...

William Kristol: Hooray for a Chaotic GOP Primary

 Hooray for a 
 Chaotic Primary 
william kristol

Hooray for a Chaotic Primary

'Wide open' field is great for GOP: Kristol

(Newser) - Hey, pundits: Quit moaning about the lack of a clear GOP field for 2012. It’s shifting and twisting every day, and that’s “good for the Republican party, good for the conservative cause, and good for the country,” writes William Kristol in the Weekly Standard . Sure, Newt...

A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

Newt Gingrich's Presidential Aspirations Sunk By Devotion to Wife Callista
 Newt's Devotion 
 to Callista Sunk 

Newt's Devotion to Callista Sunk Campaign

Gingrich paid steeper price for fidelity than he ever did for cheating

(Newser) - At a moment when Anthony Weiner's career is imploding because he's a dog, Newt Gingrich's presidential aspirations are dissipating "because he loved not wisely, but too well," opines Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. Indulging Callista Gingrich's desire for a two-week Greek vacation...

Newt Gingrich's Wife Callista Drove Off 2012 Staff: Rumor Mill
 Gingrich's Wife Drove Off Staff 
Rumor Mill

Gingrich's Wife Drove Off Staff

And his Mediterranean cruise was the last straw

(Newser) - What drove the entire Gingrich 2012 senior staff to simultaneously resign in protest? Two words, says Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard : Callista Gingrich. Barnes doesn’t cite any sources—not even anonymous ones—but he says the aides were fed up with the amount of control Gingrich gave his...

Newt Gingrich Campaign Staff Resigns

Top aides quit with candidate on Greek cruise

(Newser) - This might just do it for Newt Gingrich's White House hopes: His campaign staff just quit. Or at least the ones running the show, including campaign manager Rob Johnson, Gingrich's spokesman, and four top strategists and consultants, reports Politico . They cited a "different vision" for the campaign,...

Top GOP Hopefuls Prep for First Big Debate

First 2012 debate for Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich

(Newser) - Seven top Republican presidential hopefuls will gather this month for the first New Hampshire 2012 debate. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum will meet at Saint Anselm College for the face-off, hosted by CNN ’s John King. It's the...

Newt's Tiffany Credit Sparks Influence Concerns

No-interest credit extended as Callista Gingrich dealt with mining policy

(Newser) - At first, self-professed "frugal" Newt Gingrich's Tiffany bill of up to $500,000 just made him look ridiculously out of step with cash-strapped Americans. But now, the financial arrangement with the jewelry behemoth is raising questions about influence, notes Gawker . Gingrich and his wife enjoyed a special interest-free...

Newt's Account Is Paid Off: Tiffany

But there are still lots of unanswered questions, writes Glenn Kessler

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's "Tiffany Time Account" has a zero balance, and all his payments to the jeweler “were made in a timely manner,” a rep tells the Washington Post . In his Fact Checker column, Glenn Kessler digs into exactly what that means (with apologies for "dealing...

Newt on Huge Tiffany's Bill: I'm Mystified

'I owe no personal debts, none'

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is "mystified" by media interest in his massive jewelry budget. Asked about financial disclosures that revealed he owed up to $500,000 to Tiffany's a few years ago, Gingrich told Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer to "go talk to Tiffany's."...

Sunday Morning Talk Shows: GOP Reacts to Mitch Daniels' Decision Not to Run for President

 Boo to Whew!: 
 GOP Reacts to 
 Daniels' Dodge 

Boo to Whew!: GOP Reacts to Daniels' Dodge

Gingrich, predictably, is quite relieved; eyes turn to Paul Ryan, others

(Newser) - A reeling GOP took to the airwaves today to react to Mitch Daniels' decision not to run for president, reports Politico, and to speculate on who might take his place. Paul Ryan's reaction was typically "disappointed. I think his candidacy would have been a great addition to this...

Meet the Press Comment Not About Ryan Plan: Gingrich

Discusses 'right-wing social engineering' controversy with Rush Limbaugh

(Newser) - When Newt Gingrich said the words “right-wing social engineering” on Meet the Press—then called Paul Ryan to apologize for uttering them—he actually wasn't referring to Ryan's Medicare proposal, or so Gingrich said yesterday. The Atlantic reports that in an interview with Rush Limbaugh, Gingrich explains...

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