Els Clottemans

2 Stories

Teacher Guilty of Love Rival's Skydive Murder
Teacher Gets 30 Years for Skydiving Murder

Teacher Gets 30 Years for Skydiving Murder

Jealous jumper Els Clottemans sabotaged victim's chutes

(Newser) - A Belgian woman involved in a skydiving love triangle has been found guilty of murdering her rival by sabotaging her parachute , and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Schoolteacher Els Clottemans, 26, disabled the victim's parachute because she was jealous of the woman's involvement with a Dutch skydiver, prosecutors said....

Skydiver Accused of Killing Love Rival Via Parachute

Prosecutors say she sabotaged victim's chutes

(Newser) - A Belgian woman has gone on trial in Brussels, accused of murdering a love rival by sabotaging her parachute and causing her to plunge to her death. Els "Babs" Clottemans allegedly tampered with the main and reserve chutes of experienced skydiver Els Van Doran, who died after crashing into...

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