Mike Castle

8 Stories

GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses
 GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses 

GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses

DeMint's tactics cost party a majority, senators complain

(Newser) - While their counterparts in the House are celebrating a historic win, Senate Republicans are pointing fingers over their failure to recapture the chamber. Some prominent senators and party operatives blame Sarah Palin and South Carolina's Jim DeMint for helping candidates too conservative to win gain the GOP nominations in Colorado,...

How Sarah Palin Is Like George McGovern
 How Sarah Palin Is 
 Like George McGovern 

How Sarah Palin Is Like George McGovern

Extremist opposition candidates are bound to lose

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and the Tea Party seem to have unrivaled influence in the GOP right now, but Palin better watch out: Pulling her party way to the right may yield short-term triumphs, but it will delay the Republicans' return to power, writes Peter Beinart in the Daily Beast . To understand...

Castle: I Lost Because of Limbaugh's 'Lies'

Defeated congressman blames conservative media for loss to O'Donnell

(Newser) - Mike Castle lashed out at the conservative media yesterday, blaming it in part for his loss to Christine O’Donnell. “I hope journalists check their facts,” the Delaware Republican said in an interview with Fox News . “I think the misrepresentations and the lies of Sean Hannity...

What O'Donnell's Win Means
 What O'Donnell's Win Means 
Opinion Roundup

What O'Donnell's Win Means

Pundits make sense of the morning after

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell's primary victory has rocked the political world. Here's what the pundits are saying:
  • Delaware native Dave Weigel “cannot remember a time when Mike Castle wasn't being elected to something.” Without his cross-party appeal, the GOP is doomed in Delaware, he writes in Slate . “No one

Tea Partier Christine O'Donnell Wins in Delaware

She knocks off GOP-favored Mike Castle

(Newser) - Another huge message from the tea party and potential bad news for Republicans: Christine O'Donnell defeated the GOP establishment candidate, longtime congressman Mike Castle, in Delaware's Senate primary, reports Politico (whose headline begins "GOP Nightmare ..."). She won 53% to 47%. "Don't ever underestimate the power of...

Ex-Aide: O'Donnell Is a 'Complete Fraud'

Robocall comes in final hours of campaign

(Newser) - Delaware's GOP primary for the Senate remains nasty in its final hours. A former campaign manager of Tea Party favorite Christine O'Donnell unleashed a blistering robocall calling her a "complete fraud," reports Politico . In the call made by Kristin Murray, who managed O'Donnell's failed 2008 campaign against Joe...

Tea Partier O'Donnell Might Pull This Off

She's now ahead in polls, but Delaware GOP is fighting back

(Newser) - If you thought Christine O'Donnell's anti-masturbation stance and "strange" ways were going to keep her from winning tomorrow's Delaware Republican Senate primary, think again. A new poll shows she's leading Rep. Mike Castle 47% to 44%—in other words, a dead heat, since the poll has a 3.8%...

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math
Scott Brown Changes the
Senate Math

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math

Moderate GOP votes up for grabs mean 56 could be Dems' new 60

(Newser) - Yesterday's Senate vote to end debate on the jobs bill showed that losing the supermajority may not be such a disaster for the Democrats after all, writes Nate Silver. Scott Brown joined four other moderate Republicans in voting to end a filibuster on Harry Reid's jobs bill, suggesting that a...

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