
Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

Parents Feel Negative About New New Math

Curriculum teaches children to reason through problems

(Newser) - What happens when parents can't help their first-graders with their math homework? They get upset, as parents in Virginia have over the latest "new" math, which emphasizes problem-solving and visualization over memorization and drills. Many are pressing the school district to dump its new math textbook series, the Washington ...

Overseas Tours Cost Soldiers Child Custody

Deployment often means troops have rough time in court

(Newser) - In what the Pentagon and parent-advocacy groups agree is a growing trend, troops serving overseas are unable to maintain custody of their children upon their return, NPR reports. One National Guardswoman raised her son until her unit deployed to Iraq, when his father took temporary custody. AFter she returned home,...

Teen Drinkers Mimic Parents
Teen Drinkers Mimic Parents

Teen Drinkers Mimic Parents

Parents' habits have 'multifaceted influence' on children

(Newser) - Parents' drinking habits can influence those of their children, but perhaps not how you might think, a study suggests. While kids are apt to mimic boozing elders, more than one action speaks louder than words: The lax monitoring and harsh punishment that go hand in hand with alcohol abuse can...

Britney Grilled on Parenting
Britney Grilled on Parenting

Britney Grilled on Parenting

Spends two hours giving deposition

(Newser) - After skipping out on earlier court-ordered depositions, troubled pop star Britney Spears finally spent more than two hours yesterday being grilled about her fitness as a mother by attorneys for ex-hubby Kevin Federline. The 26-year-old singer was questioned at the lawyers' offices about drug use and her often erratic behavior,...

Dude, Mom Unloaded My Car
Dude, Mom Unloaded My Car

Dude, Mom Unloaded My Car

Iowa woman very publicly sells teen's ride after finding booze

(Newser) - The "meanest mom on the planet" has unloaded her rule-breaking 19-year-old son's car in a very public Des Moines Register classified ad: "Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life...

A Rose by Any Other Name: Parents 'Rebrand' Kids

More are switching names after birth

(Newser) - Naming a baby is a big deal, and some parents can't seem to settle on one. They may have picked "Emma" at birth, but months later decide she looks more like a "Caroline" and navigate the sticky legal system to make the change official. It's a growing phenomenon...

Stop Picking on Nerds!
Stop Picking
on Nerds!

Stop Picking on Nerds!

US needs more brainiacs, even if they are unsexy, new book argues

(Newser) - Americans mock nerds ad nauseum, and psych prof David Anderegg says it's time to lay off. In his new book, Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them, Andregg breezily but thoroughly critiques a cultural prejudice that he claims dates back to Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Washington ...

How to Make Kids $$$$ Savvy
How to Make Kids $$$$ Savvy

How to Make Kids $$$$ Savvy

12 ways to teach the value of a dollar

(Newser) - It's never too early to get savvy about money. The Journal's Jonathan Clements explains how he's put his teens on the right track.
  1. Delayed gratification: When they spend their own cash, they make better decisions.
  2. Pace yourself: The Clements kids had to make a 3-month allowance last.
  3. Family values: Stories,

And Dr. Spock Breathes Sigh of Relief

Spears' parenting book delayed after daughter, 16, gets pregnant

(Newser) - Lynne Spears might have been able to explain elder daughter Britney's head-shaving incident and even finessed the no-skivvies romp, but, People reports, news that younger daughter Jamie Lynn, 16, is pregnant appears to have derailed Lynne's book on … you guessed it, parenting. A spokeswoman for her publisher says the...

Italian Govt. Renames Baby
Italian Govt. Renames Baby

Italian Govt. Renames Baby

Under law on 'shameful' names, Italy dubs baby Friday 'Gregory'

(Newser) - He was born, registered, and baptized Friday Germano, but the Italian government is calling him Gregory. The Germanos happen to like the name Friday, but 5 months after they gave it to their baby, a court in Genoa ruled that it had to be changed. In Italy, it seems, the...

Parents See Kids' Disorders in Themselves

A child's illness can explain family quirks, reveal long-held secrets

(Newser) - Parents whose kids have psychiatric disorders will often seek, and find, signs of the same illness in themselves, the New York Times reports. Some ailments do run in the family—depression and bipolar disorder, for example—but parents at times dig up symptoms to show solidarity with kids and lessen...

For Blacks, Income Ladder More Like Chute

Middle-class children much less likely to pass parents than whites

(Newser) - Middle-class African Americans are much less likely to surpass their parents’ income than their white counterparts, a new study finds. Overall, two-thirds of American adults earned more than their parents, adjusted for inflation. But among the black middle class, 69% are making less. “Black children and white children do...

Sleep-Deprived Kids Pack on the Pounds

Lack of down time correlates with childhood obesity

(Newser) - Kids who get plenty of sleep could be lowering their chances of becoming obese. For each extra hour third-graders in a newly released study spent sleeping, they lowered their chance of becoming obese by sixth grade by 40%. The results could have to do with the effect of sleep on...

Pediatricians Urge More Autism Screening

All children should be evaluated twice by age 2

(Newser) - Children should be screened twice for autism by the time they are 2 years old, says a leading pediatricians group. Although there is no cure for autism, early therapy can help lessen symptoms, the American Academy of Pediatrics says in two reports released today. The group lists warning signs parents...

Judge Orders Drug Tests for Abuser Britney

Stinging ruling also demands Spears use 'parenting coach'

(Newser) - Pop star Britney Spears is a "habitual, frequent and continuous" user of "controlled substances" and alcohol and must submit to random biweekly drug tests, the judge in her child custody case has ruled, reports People magazine. Spears was also ordered to use a "parenting coach,"...

Birthday Bashes That Won't Bust Your Wallet

Make your kids feel special without an annual bank loan

(Newser) - Six Flags for 50 kids is out of reach for most parents, no matter how appreciative the 1-year-old. MSNBC tells how to give your kid a bash without unending bills:
  1. Set a budget and share it with your kid
  2. Keep the party small, especially for tots
  3. Work with your kid

You Have to Walk Before You Can Run
You Have to Walk Before You Can Run

You Have to Walk Before You Can Run

Avoid the five most common mistakes parents make with newborns

(Newser) - Babies don't come with manuals, so it's hard to get everything right. CNN asked pediatricians to spill: What are the most common mistakes new parents make? Their responses:
  1. Letting your newborn sleep through the night.

Dutch Gov't Courts More 9-to-5 Women

Daycare program aims to get moms working; won’t conquer guilt

(Newser) - The Dutch government is working to get women working. A new law mandating that schools must provide afternoon childcare is meant to raise the number of mothers in full-time jobs, the Economist reports. At 66%, the Netherlands has a higher than average female workforce among European countries, but 61% of...

NYC to Pay the Poor for Good Parenting

Bloomberg foots part of the tab for new anti-poverty program

(Newser) - Mayor Bloomberg is flying in the face of liberals and conservatives alike with a new antipoverty program, and paying some of it out of his own pocket. He’s raised more than $40 million that he plans to give it to poor parents for certain tasks, like going to the...

8-Year-Old Marathoner's Father Denies Abuse

Chinese girl ran 2,212 miles to honor Olympics

(Newser) - The father of the Chinese girl who ran more than 2,000 miles in honor of the Beijing Olympics is being accused of child abuse. Experts say her grueling schedule--more than 40 miles a day--was dangerous even for an adult, but the girl's father is defiant. "She is always...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>