
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Distraught Parents Leap to Death With Son's Body

(Newser) - Heartsick parents jumped to their death from cliffs in Britain with the body of their son who had died from an illness, reports the Times of London. The trio were found in East Sussex at the foot of Beachy Head, a notorious spot for suicides. The body of the couple's...

Cue the Kid: Toddler Runs Pool Table

Keith stands on chair for slices, bank shots

(Newser) - A New York toddler in diapers has become a YouTube hit as he runs a pool table with deftly delivered slices and bank shots, reports the AP.  Keith O'Dell, 2, is the youngest member of the American Pool Association and recently staged an exhibition in Vegas. He started knocking...

Lame Dads Rule in Kids Books
 Lame Dads Rule in Kids Books 

Lame Dads Rule in Kids Books

Old dad, poor dad as out of it as ever in kid lit

(Newser) - Despite major upheavals in gender roles, clueless dads unable to parent or set a table still rule in children's books—if they exist at all—laments one stay-at-home father. "I’m aware that there is plenty of good-natured humor to be had from lampooning fathers," writes columnist Damon...

Parental Neglect a Thorny Issue
 Parental Neglect a Thorny Issue 

Parental Neglect a Thorny Issue

Sometimes parental desires clash with those of authorities

(Newser) - “Parental neglect” is a tricky term that may indicate just the opposite: devoted parents who care for their children, but in a way authorities oppose, Kate Dailey writes in Newsweek. It’s a paradox illustrated by two moms who fled with their sons this week, one to prevent him...

Mom Admits Killing Son Twice

(Newser) - An Albuquerque mom has confessed to police that she killed her toddler son—twice—and buried his body in a playground. She suffocated 3-year-old Ty, then changed her mind and used CPR to revive him before deciding again to suffocate him, Tiffany Toribio told detectives. She killed him because she...

Zoo Webcasts Elephant Birth
 Zoo Webcasts Elephant Birth 

Zoo Webcasts Elephant Birth

(Newser) - A Belgium zoo webcast its first elephant birth to enthralled animal lovers yesterday as the newborn plopped out of mom Phyo Phyo after 38 hours of labor. The mother, sister and aunt scrambled in excitement in a circle around the newborn, trumpeting, until the baby responded with squeals of its...

Octuplet Hospital Fined in Privacy Breach

(Newser) - The California hospital where Nadya Suleman's octuplets were born has been fined $250,000 for failing to stop employees from snooping into medical files on the famous case. "It's the hospital's job to prevent these breaches from occurring," said a state official shortly after imposing the fine against...

Cash-Strapped Adults Back Home With Prickly Parents

Experts advise on how to avoid resentment when kids have to return to the nest

(Newser) - Tempers are fraying in households across America as tough times force a growing number of adults to move back in with their parents, the New York Times reports. The move is difficult for both sides, experts say, as the offspring chafe at new restrictions and struggle with feelings of failure,...

Dad Killed Daughter Carrying His Baby: Cops

Body is tossed into boiler

(Newser) - A 14-year-old girl strangled by her father was carrying his baby, prosecutors revealed yesterday. Miguel Matias, 36, has confessed to killing his daughter because he caught the teen typing  "sexy things" on her computer, reports the New York Daily News. Authorities have now discovered that DNA taken from girl's...

Pot, Not Dangerous Drugs, Best for My Autistic Son

(Newser) - Marie Myung-Ok Lee gives marijuana to her 9-year-old autistic son and has no intention of stopping, she writes for doubleX, a new Slate spinoff for women. It’s working to calm him and curb his aggressive behaviors, writes Lee, who had her own misgivings initially. “I was already the...

Charge Vs. Mom Who Kicked Kids to Curb Will Be Dropped

NY lawyer just needs to stay out of trouble

(Newser) - Madlyn Primoff, the New York lawyer who gained notoriety when she kicked her squabbling kids out of the car last month, will likely not face legal repercussions, the Journal News reports. Though she faces a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child, it will be dropped in 6...

Best and Worst Celeb Moms
 Best and Worst 
 Celeb Moms 

Best and Worst Celeb Moms

Mother's Day survey reveals holiday activities, too

(Newser) - In a poll of 10,000 readers ahead of Mother's Day, more would trust their kids to Jennifer Aniston than Brangelina, reveals. More from the survey
  • Most trustworthy babysitter: Ellen DeGeneres and her partner Portia De Rossi.
  • Best mom: Jennifer Garner, followed by a tie between Reese Witherspoon

Calm Down, Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe
Calm Down,
Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe

Calm Down, Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe

Writer/mom says parents worry, hover way too much

(Newser) - With a constant barrage of news stories and TV shows highlighting child abductions and murders, it may seem like a supremely dangerous time to be a kid. But don't believe the media, says Lenore Skenazy, the author of Free-Range Kids. In an interview with Salon, she explains why children today...

Depression in Dads Hurts Kids

More research needed into effects of fathers' mental health, experts say

(Newser) - With modern fathers often more directly involved in parenting than previous generations, researchers say it’s time to pay closer attention to the impact of paternal mental health on children, the BBC reports. Existing evidence suggests that children of alcoholic or depressive fathers are likely to suffer psychiatric or behavior...

Mercy's Dad Rips 'Scandalous' Madge

Dad who walked out on toddler's mom blasts Madonna for lacking 'good morals'

(Newser) - Madonna's battle to adopt a second Malawi child suffered a major blow yesterday when the toddler's father blasted the singer's loose morals and launched a battle for custody, reports the Daily Mail. James Kambewa is seeking to block the adoption because he wants to spare 3-year-old Mercy a life of...

'Co-Sleeping' Puts Babies at Risk of Death

Sharing bed or couch with an adult imperils infants: UK docs

(Newser) - Sleeping with an infant on a bed or sofa is dangerous for the baby, new research finds. The risk of unexpected infant death goes up for babies sleeping somewhere other than their cribs, especially for parents who smoke or who have been drinking. The study found that half of sudden...

ADHD Signs Tied to Lack of Sleep

Kids getting less than 8 hours show most hyperactivity

(Newser) - Kids who get enough sleep may be less likely to show signs of ADHD or other behavioral issues, the BBC reports. A Finnish study of 280 healthy kids aged 7 and 8 found that those who slept less than 8 hours were most hyperactive. Researchers say a third of US...

Couple Held for Ditching Hungry Kids at Italy Pizzeria

(Newser) - A German couple has been detained in Italy for abandoning their three hungry kids at a pizzeria, reports Der Spiegel. The poverty-stricken young parents, found in a forest outside the town of Aosta, said they didn't know what else to do. The parents had left behind their car and a...

Laid-Off Execs Try Fatherhood

Mr. Moms confess new gig hurts the ego

(Newser) - Jobless Mr. Moms are becoming more prevalent at school pickup time and PTA meetings in Pelham Manor, a posh New York suburb where hedge-fund managers and execs raise families. Their blunt decisiveness is a remnant of once-successful careers, and while PTA moms welcome their help, they worry for them, too....

NY Attorney Beat, Suffocated Family Over Hours

Gig was about to be up on Parente investor scam, investigators believe

(Newser) - A New York attorney beat and suffocated his wife and two daughters in a horrific attack that took hours, police told the New York Daily News. He then fatally slashed himself in a Baltimore hotel room where the four bodies were found. Investigators believe William Parente, 59, was ripping off...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>