
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Parents Leery About H1N1 Vaccine

'Uncertainty' dominates as families mull shot

(Newser) - Concerned over unforeseen effects and unconvinced that the H1N1 virus is really anything worse than a case of the sniffles, some parents are leaning away from vaccinating their kids against it, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It's a different brand of flu, but it is still the flu,”...

Kate in Tears as Jon Brings Galpal Home

She says it's too soon for kids to meet Hailey; he says she's a drama queen

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin was crying hysterically yesterday at news that Jon Gosselin will be bringing his girlfriend home to meet the kids, Radar reports. "This came out of nowhere," says a friend. "It took Kate totally by surprise." Kate says it's too soon for the kids...

Time-Starved Working Parents Eat Poorly: Study

Low-income work schedules make healthy eating difficult

(Newser) - The nature of low-income employment promotes unhealthy eating, Time reports. Over half of working parents in low-to-moderate income communities relied on dietary “coping” measures when their schedules couldn’t accommodate a full meal, according to a new Cornell University study. Those strategies included skipping breakfast or family meals, and...

Parents Turn to Facebook to Keep Tabs on Junior

Some kids quick to 'unfriend'; others call it 'sensible'

(Newser) - For some parents, Facebook has become a window into the lives of their children, a means for mom and dad to monitor—and sometimes admonish—their kids. “It's so much easier to keep track of what they eat and when they pick their nose this way,” notes one...

Twitter Makes Dad a Star, Son Fields Book Deals

(Newser) - The delightfully profane dad who's the unwitting star of the August Twitter sensation "shitmydadsays," where his recently-moved-back-home son posts his cranky rants about making messes and dodging chores, may not be quite as clueless as he's been made out to be. Sam Halperin is actually a 73-year-old with...

Sarah Wanted to Adopt My Kid: Levi
 Sarah Wanted to 
 Adopt My Kid: Levi 

Sarah Wanted to Adopt My Kid: Levi

(Newser) - Levi Johnston continues his gripping expose of the Palin family in an interview with Vanity Fair. Some choice revelations from Bristol's ex, who lived with the family for two months following the election:
  • "There wasn't much parenting in that house": The Palin parents were too busy to care for

Feminists Don't Get It: Motherhood's a Drug

(Newser) - For Katie Roiphe, the connection with her newborn child is like an “addiction," she writes on DoubleX. "There is an opium-den quality to maternity leave. The high of a love that obliterates everything.” Why, then, can’t feminists accept that motherhood is more than a “...

Help—I'm Jealous of My Own Kid!

Dads wrestle with idea that youngsters have it better than they did

(Newser) - You’re trying to give your kids the best: karate lessons, top schools, the latest video games. “You couldn't be prouder, really,” writes Christopher Noxon in Details, until “it hits you: you’re jealous.” Your childhood was never this good, and now, as your kid expands...

Mom Fired for Nursing Wins Sex-Bias Suit

Calif. panel rules dismissal amounts to discrimination

(Newser) - Firing an employee for breastfeeding during her break amounts to sex discrimination, California’s Fair Employment and Housing Commission ruled last week, awarding her $41,645 in damages, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Marina Chavez was fired from her job at a Los Angeles-area taqueria after breastfeeding her newborn on...

Smug Americans Love 'Bad-Parent Porn'
 Smug Americans 
 Love 'Bad-Parent Porn' 

Smug Americans Love 'Bad-Parent Porn'

We're addicted to seeing moms and dads face 'public smackdowns'

(Newser) - America, it seems, is addicted to “bad-parent porn,” writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times. Nadya Suleman's new reality show is only the latest incarnation, along with Jon and Kate, of course. (And let us not forget Michael Jackson.) People just love to see moms and...

Confessions of a Twitter Addict

 Confessions of a Twitter Addict 

Confessions of a Twitter Addict

(Newser) - Last Thursday, the Twitterverse flickered and temporarily went blank. And a writer sat there, staring. “It was funny, in a kind of pathetic, soul-crushing way,” Laurel Snyder writes on Salon. “I stared at the blank screen, hitting refresh over and over.” Her withdrawal worsened as she...

Nation's Only Late-Term Abortionist: 'I Will Never Be Safe'

(Newser) - The murder of George Tiller has left the nation with only one provider of late-term abortions—and that makes Warren Hern public enemy No. 1 on the fringes of the anti-abortion camp. "I will never be safe," Hern tells Esquire in a long profile. "I will always...

Don't Judge Car Crash Mom; Judge Alcoholism
Don't Judge Car Crash Mom; Judge Alcoholism

Don't Judge Car Crash Mom; Judge Alcoholism

(Newser) - It’s easy to condemn Diane Schuler—the mom who drove drunk and stoned the wrong way on a highway and killed herself, four children, and three others—writes Susan Cheever on Salon. But “for those of us who have ever driven a car after having a few beers,...

How Playpens Slowly Disappeared

Once-'ubiquitous' enclosure got a bad rap; was it deserved?

(Newser) - Playpens used to be a standard piece of household furniture—but now, one rarely sees them, notes Tom Vanderbilt in Slate. That sparked him to ponder whether, and why, parents had given up on them. A little digging revealed that while they still exist, some believe them to be dangerous...

Families' Mornings Start with Tech Check

Families boot up computers, phones on waking

(Newser) - When it comes to morning routines, the modern family has a new set of priorities, many of which require a screen, the New York Times reports. “It used to be you woke up, went to the bathroom, maybe brushed your teeth, and picked up the newspaper,” says an...

Jenny Sanford, Kids Move Out
 Jenny Sanford, Kids Move Out 

Jenny Sanford, Kids Move Out

(Newser) - The wife of South Carolina's philandering governor is moving out and taking the kids, the State reports. “I have decided to move back to our home in Charleston with our sons for the upcoming school year,” Mark Sanford's wife, Jenny, said in a statement released today. The governor...

Retailers Pitch Tweens, Moms Age-Appropriate Wares

Marketers seek positive messages for their products

(Newser) - Tween girls are a $43 billion market—but they’re not the ones with the wallets. Marketers are aiming for parents concerned about kids facing a barrage of ads that may not be “age-appropriate,” the Washington Times reports. “Many products are about making them older faster, but...

Swine Flu Leads to Unhappy Campers
Swine Flu Leads to Unhappy Campers

Swine Flu Leads to Unhappy Campers

As outbreaks spread like wildfire, counselors quarantine kids

(Newser) - H1N1 may not have ended civilization as we know it, but it’s ruined a lot of stays at summer camp, the New York Times reports. Camps are dry tinder for flu outbreaks, and many have canceled or postponed this year's sessions. Others have been split nearly in half to...

For Every Naked Kid, There's An Adult With a But

Perspective depends on family, age

(Newser) - When does a child’s naked bottom go from cute to inappropriate? Depends who’s judging, the New York Times reports. In some families, nudity is no big deal. “It’s a stage he’s going through, and he’ll grow out of it," says the dad of...

Fetuses Form Memories: Study
 Fetuses Form Memories: Study 

Fetuses Form Memories: Study

At 30 weeks, have 10-minute memory

(Newser) - Fetuses can form memories, an important indicator of nervous-system maturation that may help doctors detect developmental problems, Dutch researchers say. Fetuses exposed to sound and vibration for 1 second every 30 seconds became accustomed to the stimuli, a process known as habituation. "Habituation is a form of learning,"...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>