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Liza Minnelli Had Breakdown Over Throat Drops Ad

Martha Stewart to the rescue, says report

(Newser) - If you watched the Golden Globes, you may have noticed Martha Stewart shilling for Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops in a rare ad appearance. But Liza Minnelli was originally intended to star in the commercial, according to a crazy New York Post story that claims Minnelli initially insisted on a...

Grey Poupon's 'Pardon Me' Ad Back From Grave

Will air during Oscars after 16-year hiatus

(Newser) - Grey Poupon's famous "Pardon Me" TV commercial is returning for a moment of Oscar glory. After a 16-year hiatus, the mustard that mocked its own stuffy image in one of TV's most famous commercials will once again take to the airwaves during Sunday's Academy Awards. The...

Starting Today, TV Ads Can't Blare Anymore

FCC implements rule toning down volume of commercials

(Newser) - TV viewing could soon sound a little calmer. The CALM Act, which limits the volume of TV commercials, goes into effect today. CALM stands for Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation. The act is designed to prevent TV commercials from blaring at louder volumes than the program content they accompany, and it...

The Best Nike Ad of the Games?

 The Best Nike Ad 
 of the Games? 

The Best Nike Ad of the Games?

Nathan Sorrell, 12, stars in inspiring 'find your greatness' ad

(Newser) - A Nike Olympic ad that asks us to "find our greatness" has highlighted its unlikely star: 12-year-old Nathan Sorrell. He's the hefty boy who's jogging—or perhaps chugging—in from the horizon as a voiceover tells us that "greatness is no more unique to us than...

Fox Refuses Ads for Service to, Well, Kill Ads

Dish Network's Hopper can automatically skip commercials

(Newser) - How awesome would it be if your DVR automatically skipped commercials on shows recorded off the major networks? Probably not very awesome if you were one of those same networks, which is why they're outraged over the Dish Network's upcoming "Hopper," which, Dish announced last week,...

Acura Apologizes for 'Not Too Dark' Casting Call

Super Bowl ad guidelines leaked to TMZ

(Newser) - Acura apologized this week over a casting document for its Super Bowl commercial that requested a black actor who is "not too dark." The casting sheet had specified: "Nice Looking, friendly. Not too dark." reports TMZ . An actor angry at being passed over for the commercial,...

Sheen Is Back, With 2 Awesome Ads

Charlie shills for Fiat, DirecTV

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen's "episode" really is over : He returns to the small screen in two commercials AdWeek dubs "great," though both of them do poke fun at the "winning" tiger-blood drinker . In the first ad, Sheen touts the fun of house arrest—when you're an...

The Super Bowl Ads Are Here

David Beckham, Audi Vampires, and Mr. Quiggly top our list

(Newser) - At $3.5 million for a 30-second slot , they better be brilliant, right? So far so good with Super Bowl ads for 2012: Matthew Broderick's Ferris Bueller revamp for Honda and Jerry Seinfeld's comic turn with the Soup Nazi for Acura have been popular online. Now Super Bowl...

The Awesome Ferris Bueller Ad Is Here

Matthew Broderick stars in 'Matthew's Day Off' for Honda

(Newser) - The full-length Ferris Bueller-inspired Super Bowl ad is here, and AdWeek dubs it "awesome." Matthew Broderick stars in "Matthew's Day Off," a Honda ad in which he calls in sick to a film shoot in order to do all sorts of fun stuff in his...

Super Bowl Ads Sell Out, and 30 Seconds Cost...

...about $3.5M, up from last year's $3M

(Newser) - Big money, big money, no whammies? When it comes to Super Bowl XLVI, the big money sure has poured in: The commercial slots are officially sold out, at a cost of about $3.5 million for 30 seconds. The no whammies part remains to be seen... The Wall Street Journal ...

Celebs Who Hawked McD's Before They Got Famous

These commercials must be seen to be believed

(Newser) - Before there were Oscars or legendary sitcoms, there were apparently McDonald’s commercials for a number of actors. Huffington Post rounds up eight amazing commercials that must be seen to be believed, featuring everyone from Michael J. Fox to (our favorite) Jason Alexander. Watch a selection in the gallery or...

Enjoy Your Flight, But Good Luck Escaping Ads

Overhead bins, seat backs, and even safety videos are featuring commercials

(Newser) - Your next flight could feel like being stuck inside a commercial. Various US airlines, desperate for revenue, are beginning to cram advertising into every corner of their planes, including overhead bins, seat backs, napkins, flight attendants' aprons, and even through crew announcements and in-flight safety videos, reports USA Today . Delta,...

Tom Brady Apparently Loves UGGs

New ad will probably make you happy, if you're a teenage girl

(Newser) - Depending on your age, gender, fashion sense, and NFL affiliation, you will either be horrified or ecstatic to hear that Tom Brady and UGGs have finally come together. The New England Patriots quarterback is featured in a new ad for the Australian shoe brand, in an attempt to boost its...

Uma Films Really Bizarre Ad for Schweppes

She has to have Schweppes all the time

(Newser) - There's seemingly no end to the stream of strange commercials celebrities are willing to put out overseas. Jezebel calls this particular example—which features Uma Thurman talking about how she likes to have, ahem, Schweppes all the time, with strangers, at home, and in taxis—"just ... weird."...

17 Truly Terrible Celeb Ads From Abroad

The money must be really good

(Newser) - There was a time when celebrities could do super-embarrassing commercials overseas, rake in the dough, and never worry very much that the ads would find an American audience. Thanks to YouTube, that time no longer exists. The Telegraph rounds up 17 pretty spectacular foreign commercials starring everyone from Chuck Norris...

Groupon's Tibet Ad Enrages; Other Hits, Misses
 Groupon's Tibet Ad 
 Enrages; Other Hits, Misses 
Super Bowl Ads

Groupon's Tibet Ad Enrages; Other Hits, Misses

'Can anyone be more stupid than Groupon?' wonders one blogger

(Newser) - Man, isn’t the plight of the Tibetan people hilarious? Groupon hit a real nerve last night with a Super Bowl commercial that seemed to exploit said plight for yucks. “The people of Tibet are in trouble. Their culture is in jeopardy,” says narrator Timothy Hutton. “But...

The Celeb Voices Behind 15 Commercials

He's Mr. Peanut, but his friends call him Iron Man

(Newser) - Ever found yourself watching a commercial and thinking, Whose voice is that? The Daily Beast rounds up 15 commercials with very famous actors behind them. Click through a few in the gallery or click here for the complete list. (Sometimes celebs actually get in front of the camera to shill...

Congress Turning Down Volume of TV Commercials

Measure clears Senate, should be law soon

(Newser) - Bipartisan agreement on the this one: The Senate unanimously passed a bill that outlaws blaring TV commercials, the AP reports. Because the House already cleared a similar measure, this one's destined to become law soon after minor differences are ironed out. Under the CALM act, TV stations have to make...

Charles Barkley Calls Out Jordan Over Hitler Mustache

'I don't know what the hell he was thinking'

(Newser) - Charles Barkley does not have a filter, not even if he’s talking about good buddy Michael Jordan. In an interview this week, spotted by the folks at Sports Grid , Barkley said exactly how he felt about the mustache Jordan sports in the latest round of Hanes ads—you know,...

Grisly Don't-Text-and-Drive Ad Comes to US

UK mini-movie to be edited to 30 seconds

(Newser) - A blood-soaked UK ad warning of the consequences of driving while texting has made its way stateside, albeit in a highly edited form. The original ad clocks in at four minutes, showing in slow, excruciating detail the results of a fictionalized three-car crash. There's a lot of blood, dead teenagers,...

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