
Stories 21 - 26 | << Prev 

Unruly Patron Bites Off Bartender's Pinky: Cops

Said patron had just been caught having sex at said bar

(Newser) - Crazy things happen at bars, and then crazeeee things happen at bars ... a tale of the latter, out of New York: Glens Falls police report that Ernest Vannier was caught having sex with a woman around 4am yesterday in the smoking room of a bar called the Daily Double. It...

Finger Length Can Point to Size of Man&#39;s...
 Finger Length Can 
 Point to Size of Man's... 
study says

Finger Length Can Point to Size of Man's...

Men with a smaller finger ratio have longer penises: study

(Newser) - You know what they say about men with big feet, right? Well, now you can trade that phrase in for one just a bit more cumbersome: Men whose index and ring fingers are nearly the same size are more likely to have a long penis than men whose digits don'...

Prostate Cancer Predictor: Finger Length
Prostate Cancer Predictor:
Finger Length

Prostate Cancer Predictor: Finger Length

Is your index finger longer than your ring finger?

(Newser) - Is your index finger longer than your ring finger? No? Well then we’ve got some bad news for you. A new study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, has discovered that men with longer index fingers were 33% less likely to develop prostate cancer. Researchers theorize that since...

Man Robbed of iPad Also Loses Finger

Thief pulling on shopping bag strips flesh off victim's pinky

(Newser) - A Colorado man picking up an iPad for a friend was robbed as he left the store—and the thief pulled so hard on the bag holding the gadget that the robbery victim also lost part of a finger. "He stripped the skin off my pinky and it went...

Fingertip Amputations Force Maclaren Stroller Recall

Company offers hinge covers on 1M models

(Newser) - A million models of the popular Maclaren brand of baby strollers were recalled today after the Consumer Product Safety Commission received reports that children’s fingertips were amputated by a hinge as strollers unfolded. Maclaren is offering free covers for the hinges on nine models sold at Target, Babies R...

Finger Length Holds Key to Running Skill

Measure digits to predict aggression, math scores, arthritis

(Newser) - Boys with ring fingers longer than their middle fingers may be speedier than peers with more symmetrical hands, a study of Qatari adolescents suggests. The speed difference is associated with exposure to testosterone in the womb, LiveScience reports. Finger length can also predict men’s aggression and SAT math scores,...

Stories 21 - 26 | << Prev