A Christmas Story

10 Stories

The Most Rewatched Christmas Movies
10 Most Rewatched
Christmas Movies

10 Most Rewatched Christmas Movies

These films are most likely in your holiday movie rotation, poll says

(Newser) - Whether or not you believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie, a good number of people invite Hans Gruber into their yearly December rotation. According to a Yahoo/YouGov poll, the 1988 action film made it into the top 10 list of movies people rewatch every holiday season. Home Alone (1990)...

A Christmas Story House Up for Sale
An Iconic Ohio
Home Is Up for Grabs

An Iconic Ohio Home Is Up for Grabs

Cleveland house used in 'A Christmas Story,' plus a museum and gift shop, has been listed

(Newser) - You could spend Christmas—and every other day of the year—in the house made famous by A Christmas Story. The century-old home in Cleveland, used to house the family of Ralphie Parker in the 1983 film, is up for sale as part of a listing that includes a museum,...

A Christmas Story Christmas Trailer Released

'Christmas Story' sequel features many returning cast members, including Peter Billingsley as Ralphie

(Newser) - HBO Max has released the official trailer for A Christmas Story Christmas, a sequel to 1983 holiday classic A Christmas Story, per Deadline . Not to be confused with previous and perhaps easily forgotten sequels—including My Summer Story and A Christmas Story 2 —the latest installment features many returning...

A Christmas Story Live!: 'Worst Thing' Ever

Only 4.5 million people tuned in to the musical remake of the 1983 classic

(Newser) - The reviews and the numbers are in, and they all point to the same sad conclusion: A Christmas Story Live! was a flop. Based on the beloved 1983 movie about a young boy in 1950s middle America who dreams of getting an air rifle for Christmas, Fox's musical, starring...

Height of All Leg Lamps Amazon Sold: Tall as Everest
Height of All Leg Lamps Amazon Sold: Tall as Everest
holiday shopping

Height of All Leg Lamps Amazon Sold: Tall as Everest

Amazon shares its quirkiest holiday shopping stats

(Newser) - Holiday spending may have been Scrooge-like , but it's not like we didn't shop at all. In fact, Amazon sold an eye-popping 26.5 million items on Cyber Monday alone, according to a post-Christmas press release that gives us a peek at the company's seasonal sales. The Wall ...

Tongue Twister: Cold Kid Copies Christmas Story

Temperatures hit 30 below across northeast

(Newser) - With much of the US in a deep freeze, life imitated a holiday classic for a boy who froze his tongue to a metal pole on a dare, the Times of Northwest Indiana reports. “You’d think everybody in the country had seen A Christmas Story by now,”...

A Christmas Story Raconteur Spoke to Misfit Generation

Jean Shepherd made growing pains a little easier in the '50s and '60s" musician Fagen

(Newser) - Listening to Jean Shepherd, the radio raconteur whose writings inspired A Christmas Story (and who did the voice-over), “I learned about social observation and human types,” musician Donald Fagen writes for Slate. For “the true horror of helpless childhood,” and a realism that countered the feel-good,...

Holiday Classics Yule Love
 Holiday Classics Yule Love 

Holiday Classics Yule Love

Warm up the DVD player with It's a Wonderful Life , Home Alone , more

(Newser) - Rather stay home than risk more bad weather today? Make a quick trip to the video store so you can hunker down with the New York Daily News' favorite Yule flicks:
  1. It's a Wonderful Life (1946): Didn't see that one coming, did you? Jimmy Stewart. 'Nuff said.
  2. A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story at 25: Stealth Classic

Industry born on collectors items, museum, and conference

(Newser) - After 25 years, devotees of A Christmas Story and its wacky realism still tune in to regular holiday showings, including an annual 24-hour marathon on Christmas Day. Just as Star Trek has Trekkies, A Christmas Story has Ralphies, named after Ralphie Parker, a 9-year-old desperate for a BB gun. CNN ...

Secrets of A Christmas Story
 Secrets of A Christmas Story 

Secrets of A Christmas Story

(Newser) - A Christmas Story is beloved by all, as evidenced by the enduring Christmas Eve marathons on TBS. But there are probably some things you don’t know about the timeless flick. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer runs down 25 of them.
  • The Cleveland house used for exterior shots is now a museum

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