
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

After 100 Days, Obama Remains Elusive
 After 100 
 Days, Obama 
 Remains Elusive 
right OPINION roundup

After 100 Days, Obama Remains Elusive

Depending who you ask, Obama is 'elusive,' 'arrogant,' or 'preening'

(Newser) - Whoever the man in the Oval Office really is, he's not a traditional liberal, writes Gerald Seib in the Wall Street Journal. Rather than aiming to bolster government programs, President  Obama "seems to see government as the way to prompt the changes he wants in the economy or society....

First 100 Days Better Than Great
 First 100 
 Days Better 
 Than Great 
Left Opinion Roundup

First 100 Days Better Than Great

(Newser) - President Obama’s first 100 days have been momentous, to say the least. Here’s what his fans are saying:
  • Obama is intent on remaking American culture, ending not just the post-Reagan era but the entire “quick-fix, sugar-rush, attention-deficit society of the postmodern age,” writes Joe Klein of

I Hate Facebook; You Should Too
 I Hate Facebook; 
 You Should Too 


I Hate Facebook; You Should Too

(Newser) - Facebook is a soul-sucking enterprise that can steal away your dependable wife and connect you with people you'd rather avoid—or happily forget, Matt Labash writes in the Weekly Standard. Users of the “stultifying” and “mind-numbing” site have “a reality-show star's unquenchable thirst for broadcasting all the...

Obama's Speech a 'Home Run'
 Obama's Speech a 'Home Run' 

Obama's Speech a 'Home Run'

Right/left praise speech

(Newser) - The early reviews are in from Barack Obama’s inauguration address, and the news is positive. Here’s what the critics are saying:
  • At the National Review, Michael Knox Beran thought the speech was a “home run.” It predictably had “a few lines at which a conservative

Sorry, US: Mumbai Is Not About You
 Sorry, US: 
 Mumbai Is Not About You 

Sorry, US: Mumbai Is Not About You

9/11 parallels neglect India's long fight with terrorism

(Newser) - US pundits have portrayed the Mumbai attacks as the 9/11 of India, a terrorist test of Barack Obama, and a deliberate attempt to go after US citizens abroad. "Sorry, it is not always about America," writes Indian native Isaac Cheriyathu in SpliceToday. Devastating, yes. But this was a...

US Election Captivates Iran
 US Election Captivates Iran 

US Election Captivates Iran

Some Iranians pro-McCain, some pro-Obama, for strange and different reasons

(Newser) - Though isolated and remote, Iran is understandably interested in the outcome of the US presidential election. Iranian papers are covering every aspect, publishing extensive biographies and transcripts of the debates. Opinions run the gamut, but one consensus seems to be that it doesn't matter who wins because the US has...

Why Her 'Servant's Heart' Matters
 Why Her

Why Her 'Servant's Heart' Matters

Palin's speech demonstrated ordinary, old-time conservative values

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has the “power of the normal,” and she has the Democrats rightfully running scared, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. The mother of 5 with her hockey-mom jokes and imperfect voice is "vividly genuine," a trait that helped her be the first...

Put Catcher to Rest Already
 Put Catcher to Rest Already 

Put Catcher to Rest Already

Salinger standby should make way for newer books

(Newser) - JD Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye may have once been edgy, coming-of-age literature, but does it deserve a place in today's curricula? It's time to retire Holden Caulfield, argues Anne Trubek in Good magazine. "Salinger’s novel lacks the currency or shock value it once had," she...

Little League's Foul Plays
 Little League's Foul Plays

Little League's Foul Plays

(Newser) - Just like their big-league heroes, Little League players compete each year in their own small-fry World Series. But Deadspin offers 10 reasons to cancel the big game:  
  1. Flat-brimmed caps: Learn to crease those caps boys.
  1. Giving up home runs to Canada: No self-respecting team should lose to hockey players.

Wagyu: 'the Hummer of Beef'
 Wagyu: 'the Hummer of Beef'

Wagyu: 'the Hummer of Beef'

Esquire taste tests extravagant $130-per-pound meat

(Newser) - Wagyu beef, a Japanese tradition catching on in the US, uses cows “bred so that fat corrupts the striations of every muscle,” Tom Junod writes in Esquire. After sampling some at $130 per pound, Junod ponders how Americans can be attracted to such excess. Despite America's ecological awakening,...

Must Globetrotting Aussies Be Grounded?
 Must Globetrotting
 Aussies Be Grounded?

Must Globetrotting Aussies Be Grounded?

Wired blogger responds to Oz travel-bashing

(Newser) - It's even harder being green if you're Australian, since it takes a long-haul flight to get practically anywhere, Adele Horin observes in the Sydney Morning Herald. Aussies consider globetrotting to be part of their birthright, but Horin thinks it's time her country-mates recognize airplanes for what they are: "toxic...

Analyst Rules Could Use Some Analysis
 Analyst Rules
 Could Use
 Some Analysis


Analyst Rules Could Use Some Analysis

It might be time to ease some of the restrictions

(Newser) - Frank Quattrone is back in the investment business and is taking on research rules, Andrew Ross Sorkin writes in the New York Times. Quattrone thinks Wall Street should try to remove the settlement that forced the separation of investment banking and research. The rules are “denying small companies the...

Hookups Won't Ruin Her Life
 Hookups Won't
 Ruin Her Life

Hookups Won't Ruin Her Life

Flings help today's young women grow and learn

(Newser) - New books are urging girls in the "hookup generation" to stay chaste, but Tracy Clark-Flory trumpets the virtues of casual sex in Salon. While abstinence authors rate women as whores or angels, the 24-year-old argues that hookups help women vet partners physically and emotionally. Today's females take a feminist...

Obama: The Arrogance of Hope
Obama: The Arrogance
of Hope

Obama: The Arrogance of Hope

Senator's opinion of himself outstrips deeds: Krauthammer

(Newser) - When Barack Obama appeared on the scene, the nation asked, “Who is he?” Now the Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer wants to know, “Who does he think he is?” Obama—who wants to speak at the hallowed ground of Germany's Brandenburg Gate—seems to have an awfully high opinion...

No More Navel-Gazing; Go After McCain
No More
Go After McCain

No More Navel-Gazing; Go After McCain

Obama must make the race be about GOP failures, not himself

(Newser) - There are two races for president this year, Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian, “a race about Barack Obama and a race about what the GOP has done to the country.” And Obama would be well served to turn the focus to John McCain, whose recent gaffes have...

Germans Can't See Forest of US Culture for the Trees

Media machine distorts view, author finds

(Newser) - German college students aren't impressed with American culture—they're not even sure it exists, author Chuck Klosterman finds at the outset of a teaching stint in Leipzig. "The proliferation of media has made it virtually impossible to tell the difference between a) what information is unilaterally interesting," Klosterman...

8 Meds Docs Won't Take
 8 Meds Docs Won't Take 

8 Meds Docs Won't Take

If trained professionals won't use them, why would you?

(Newser) - Some drugs have such serious drawbacks that even doctors won’t take them, Men’s Health reports. The big eight:
  • Advair: Can actually increase the severity of asthma attacks
  • Avandia: Diabetes drug carries risk of heart attack

Unseemly Word Loses Its Sting
 Unseemly Word Loses Its Sting 

Unseemly Word Loses Its Sting

'Near-dirty' term deserves a trip to the showers

(Newser) - The word douchebag is in danger of losing its bite thanks to rampant overuse, writes Richard Dorment in Esquire. It's not that the "toxic mess of a man" population has increased, he observes. It may seem that way, what with reality TV and cable punditry promoting unsavory characters. But...

Cramer: Never Seen Wall Street This Bad
 Never Seen
 Wall Street
 This Bad 

Cramer: Never Seen Wall Street This Bad

Analyst sees no end in sight for layoffs and write-downs

(Newser) - While he steers clear of the Great Depression, everything else is fair game as reference in James J. Cramer’s apocalyptic appraisal of Wall Street for New York. In Cramer's 25 years, he's seen lots of implosions, but this one is different: With thousands of layoffs at major shops, and...

Expect GOP to Turn Venom on Michelle
Expect GOP
to Turn Venom on Michelle

Expect GOP to Turn Venom on Michelle

Dowd: Right will paint would-be first lady as angry black woman

(Newser) - Now that Hillary Clinton is out of the White House picture, it’s Michelle Obama’s turn to be the object of that “sulfurous national game of ‘Kill the witch,’” writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. The fairer Obama can be more prickly than...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>