
Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>

Rebecca Black's 'Friday' Song Proves Love-Hate World of the Internet: Meghan Daum
 Rebecca Black 
 Proves New 
 Rules of Fame 
meghan daum

Rebecca Black Proves New Rules of Fame

Meghan Daum: To be really popular, you have to be really unpopular

(Newser) - With Friday, 13-year-old Rebecca Black has a top 20 song on iTunes and a video that’s reached 35 million views—but what she’s most noted for is widespread derision. “We don't hate you because you're famous. You're famous because we hate you,” reads one of the...

Remember Taylor as She Was: In Bed

Screen legend managed to be prostrate in nearly every movie

(Newser) - We remember John Wayne in the saddle, Brigitte Bardot on the sand—and as for Elizabeth Taylor, we’ll remember her on a bed, writes Tim Robey in the Telegraph . Somehow, she managed to sprawl over soft furniture in “most of her key roles,” he notes. “One...

'Earth Hour' Won't Solve Our Energy, Climate Change Troubles: Bjorn Lomborg

 'Earth Hour' Is a Joke 

Bjorn Lomborg

'Earth Hour' Is a Joke

We need real green solutions, not just 'feel-good' movements: Bjorn Lomborg

(Newser) - This Saturday night, environmental activists are calling on the world to dim the lights for “Earth Hour”—a nice idea, but one that may actually be counterproductive. Look at it this way: "If everyone in the world participated in this year's Earth Hour, the result would be...

Mark Bittman: 6 Morsels of Good News on Food
 6 Morsels of  
 Good Foodie News 
mark bittman

6 Morsels of Good Foodie News

School lunches are improving; Walmart's into sustainability: Mark Bittman

(Newser) - Sometimes it’s important for a critic to drop the criticism and offer some praise. In the New York Times , Mark Bittman presents a taste of good news in the food world:
  1. Backers of better food policy are gaining real traction: The reauthorized Child Nutrition Act will improve school lunches,

Diary Advice from Monty Python Diarist Michael Palin
 How Not to Write a Diary 
Michael Palin

How Not to Write a Diary

Michael Palin: If you're not interesting, don't pretend to be

(Newser) - Keeping a diary is well worth your while—but there are some “do’s and don’ts” to keep in mind, writes Monty Python’s Michael Palin in Vanity Fair . The big one is, “don’t try and make your life interesting when it isn’t,” notes...

Dave Eggers: Enough With the Teacher Layoffs

System leaves already-struggling public educators in lurch

(Newser) - Public school teachers grapple with 80-hour work weeks on tight salaries, with little creative freedom, while the media attacks their unions—and on top of all that, they face mass layoffs on a regular basis. In San Francisco, for example, 2,800 teachers were warned last week that their jobs...

Paul Krugman: Barack Obama, Congress Have Abandoned the Unemployed
 Washington Has 
 Abandoned the 
paul krugman

Washington Has Abandoned the Unemployed

Krugman: Why are we obsessed with the deficit when millions need jobs?

(Newser) - One-sixth of American workers can’t find full-time jobs, and things aren’t getting any better for them: There are nearly five times more jobless people than there are job openings, and the "average unemployed worker has been jobless for 37 weeks." Yet all we hear about from...

Is NPR Liberal? The Radio Station Should Speak Up: Meghan Daum

 Hey, NPR: 
 Stand Up 
 for Yourself 

Hey, NPR: Stand Up for Yourself

Station keeps mum in the face of widespread criticism: Meghan Daum

(Newser) - Accusations of a liberal slant are raining down on NPR, and its leaders are putting up with it. It’s time for the station to “show some self-respect and fight back,” writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times . Tell us: “Are you liberal? Are you neutral?...

We Need a Real Populist in Next Election

America's wealth gap has spiraled out of control: David Francis

(Newser) - With the gap between rich and poor Americans exploding—and hardly anyone talking about it—what Washington needs is a “genuine populist,” writes David R. Francis in the Christian Science Monitor . Some quick facts: The wealthiest 1% “took 23.5% of the nation’s income in 2007,...

Juan Williams: Here's the True Problem With NPR
Juan Williams: Here's the True Problem With NPR

Juan Williams: Here's the True Problem With NPR

Arrogant, elitist leaders ruining a 'once-great brand'

(Newser) - The departure of NPR CEO Vivian Schiller shines a light on the network’s key problem: its "ingrown and arrogant" leaders, who have "lost sight of journalism as the essential product of NPR," writes Juan Williams in the New York Post . Those at the top think they're...

EJ Dionne: No, We're Not Broke -- Budget 'Crisis' Is Fake
 Budget 'Crisis' 
 Is Made-Up 

Budget 'Crisis' Is Made-Up

It's an 'arresting metaphor' to push ideological agenda

(Newser) - We keep hearing that “we’re broke”—a good way for politicians to make a deceptive case for cutting taxes on the rich and cutting social programs. But the fact is, “we’re not broke,” writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post . “Yes, nearly all...

We Want to Cut Foreign Aid— and Expand It

Americans think it's 25% of the budget. In fact, it's 1%, and it works: Ken Hackett

(Newser) - Americans think foreign aid should be the first casualty of budget-trimming, a poll shows—but we also want it to be 10 times what it is now. That’s because most Americans think foreign aid makes up a quarter of the federal budget, and want to cut it to 10%....

Paul Krugman: GOP Budget Cuts Would Destroy Recovery
 GOP Cuts Would 
 Destroy Recovery  

paul krugman

GOP Cuts Would Destroy Recovery

House Republicans relying on 'Confidence Fairy' with job-killing measures

(Newser) - We’re finally clawing our way up from the bottom of the very deep hole that is the recession: Unemployment has dipped amid a "virtuous circle of rising incomes and improving finances." Yet House Republicans are pushing spending cuts that would send us right back down again, writes...

'Runt Month' February Gets No Respect
 'Runt Month' 
 February Gets 
 No Respect 


'Runt Month' February Gets No Respect

Philip Hill offers a way to fix the problem: change the calendar

(Newser) - February has consistently gotten the short shrift among calendar months: It was among the last months to be invented, in 700 BC, its mere 28 days sandwiched between months named for powerful gods—while it "commemorates a pagan fertility and purification festival celebrated by flogging women with animal skins,...

Bloomberg: Cut Labor Costs, Not Union Rights

Governments can benefit from collective bargaining, he writes

(Newser) - As states like Wisconsin face crippling budget deficits, it’s fair for them to scale back on labor costs—but not labor rights, Michael Bloomberg writes today in the New York Times . What needs updating is “government’s relationship with unions,” not the unions themselves. “Organizing around...

Oops: Huckabee Defends Gay Marriage

By complaining about troubles of out-of-wedlock kids: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - In attacking gay marriage, Mike Huckabee inadvertently offered an excellent defense of it, writes Ruth Marcus. He went from criticizing President Obama’s decision not to defend the gay-marriage ban to pointing out the difficult “economic reality of out-of-wedlock children.” The fact is, “gays and lesbians are...

David Brooks: Why Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels Should Run for President

 Why Mitch  
 Daniels Should  
 Run in 2012 

david brooks

Why Mitch Daniels Should Run in 2012

He's got a handle on debt and a record of substance: David Brooks

(Newser) - Here’s a name that should be among the GOP frontrunners for 2012: Mitch Daniels. The Indiana governor says there’s an “excellent chance” he won’t run—but he “would be the party’s strongest candidate,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times . He “...

Paul Krugman: Wisconsin Union Battle About Power, Not Budget

 Wisconsin Battle 
 About Power, 
 Not Budget 
paul krugman

Wisconsin Battle About Power, Not Budget

Gov. pushing oligarchy as unions seek democracy: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Wisconsin’s battle over union rights shares a key element with the protests in Egypt: In the end, it’s all about power, writes Paul Krugman for the New York Times . Gov. Scott Walker’s team is trying to make his state, and eventually the entire country, "less of...

Lara Logan Tweets: Media Must Learn to Forgive Nir Rosen and Others for One-Time Mistakes, Writes Michelle Goldberg
Nir Rosen Should Be Ashamed—but Not Ruined 

Nir Rosen Should Be Ashamed—but Not Ruined

Lara Logan tweets were disgusting, but media must learn to forgive

(Newser) - Nir Rosen’s thoughtless tweets about Lara Logan were “grotesque”—but they shouldn’t “eclipse an often-heroic career” of “intrepid” war reporting, writes Michelle Goldberg in the Daily Beast . Indeed, today’s media “has an awful way of reducing us all to the worst thing...

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
GOP's Health Reform
'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
paul krugman

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic

They don't really believe it will kill jobs, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - In their effort to repeal health care reform, the GOP has produced “some numbers and charts to wave at the press”—but they’re not part of any “rational discussion,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Their figures are, in fact, part of the...

Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>