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Boomers, Quit Your Whining About Millennials
Boomers, Quit Your
Whining About Millennials

Boomers, Quit Your Whining About Millennials

It's payback time, writes Catherine Rampell

(Newser) - The Pew Research Center is out with an interesting stat: More people ages 18 to 34 are living with their parents than with romantic partners—the first time that's happened in more than 130 years, which is when the data starts, notes NPR . At the Washington Post , Catherine Rampell...

Millennials Now Outnumber Baby Boomers

And that could mean big changes in America

(Newser) - For decades, Baby Boomers have been the most powerful generation in the US, driving everything from culture to the economy, CBS News reports. Well, no more. According to Pew Research , Millennials officially overtook Baby Boomers to become the biggest generation in the US this month. Numbers released by the US...

Survey: Millennials Are Too Lazy to Eat Cereal
 Survey: Millennials Are 
 Too Lazy to Eat Cereal 

Survey: Millennials Are Too Lazy to Eat Cereal

'Bowls don't clean themselves'

(Newser) - It seems millennials are waging a new generational war—and the enemy is Cap'n Crunch. The Washington Post reports the sale of breakfast cereals in the US is down nearly 30% over the past 15 years. Part of that is growing preferences for things like smoothies and protein bars,...

MTV Names Post-Millennial Generation

Now we've got 'Founders' in the fray with baby boomers, Gen X, and millennials

(Newser) - Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials looking for a new group to blame the woes of the world on, rest easy: Whether we wanted them to or not, higher-ups at MTV—or, rather, "arrogant marketing dolts at the increasingly irrelevant basic cable channel," as Don Kaplan writes for...

Need a Mom? Now You Can Rent One for $40 an Hour

Nina Keneally offers her motherly services to Bushwick millennials

(Newser) - Nina Keneally has been there, done that. The 63-year-old mother of two who recently relocated from suburban Connecticut to Brooklyn has been everything from a drug and rehab counselor at a methadone clinic to a Tony-winning theater producer. All while making dinner, going to soccer games, serving on the PTA,...

Congrats, Class of 2015. You'll Work Till You're 75

That's 13 years past today's average retirement age

(Newser) - We sure hope this year's college grads are excited to enter the workforce because they'll be in it for a long time, according to a new study from NerdWallet . Researchers there say graduates of the Class of 2015 will likely be working until at least 75—a full...

Lena Dunham, Hillary Talk Feminism, Turning Bill Down

Unlikely duo will discuss student debt, women's health, and, yep, feminism

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's desire to connect with millennial women has led her to chat with Refinery29 on sexual assault and now to an interview with "queen of oversharing" Lena Dunham. The Girls star chatted earlier this month with the sometimes "overly scripted" Clinton in Manhattan in an interview...

Here Are the 5 Richest Millennials

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is the one who has the most to smile about

(Newser) - Members of Generation "Y Do We Always Get a Bad Rap?" (aka millennials) take great umbrage at being labeled unmotivated slackers, and Wealth-X's list of the 20 richest people under the age of 35 may help put that stereotype to rest. MarketWatch points out some of them share...

Millennials Have Fewer Sex Partners Than Parents
How Millennials' Sex Lives Differ From Their Parents'

How Millennials' Sex Lives Differ From Their Parents'

Study: They have fewer sex partners, are most sexually tolerant generation

(Newser) - Millennials may be tagged as the hookup generation, but a new study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior suggests the label is misleading. An analysis of 40 years of sexual data from more than 33,000 Americans projects that millennials—those born between 1982 and 1999—will have sex with...

Step Aside, Boomers: Millennials to Be Biggest Generation

They'll number 75.3M this year: reports

(Newser) - If you're aged between 18 and 34 this year, welcome to the biggest generation in the country. Millennials, approximately defined as those born between 1981 and 1997, will this year see their population's size surpass that of baby boomers for the first time: the millennial generation is projected...

Stop Criticizing Millennials for Not Saving Enough

Young adults always trail the pack: Catherine Rampell

(Newser) - A recent Moody's analysis found that millennials have a savings rate of negative 2%, which, even for the math-challenged, doesn't sound good. That's triggered an onslaught of articles dumping on the under-35 set for its frivolous and irresponsible ways, writes Catherine Rampell (herself in that group) in...

In Your 20s? Here's How to Get a Fatter Salary at 40

Job-hop now, study finds

(Newser) - A new study has a message for twentysomethings: To land a better-paying job that you love when you're older, it's healthy to job-hop now. It seems that frequent job-switchers boost their odds of having higher-paying, more satisfying jobs in their 30s and 40s, the Atlantic reports. While the...

In Shift, Millennial Voters Want GOP to Run Congress

Harvard poll finds small lead for Republicans

(Newser) - Republicans might find support in an unusual place in next week's election: among millennials. A new poll by Harvard's Institute of Politics shows that 18- to 29-year-olds who will likely vote on Tuesday prefer a GOP-run Congress. The margin is small, with 51% favoring the GOP and 47%...

Millennials Read More Than the Rest of Us

 Millennials Read 
 More Than the 
 Rest of Us 
survey says

Millennials Read More Than the Rest of Us

Most pick up books at least once a week: Pew

(Newser) - Today's kids don't read, right? Wrong, io9 reports: A Pew survey finds that some 67% of those ages 16 to 29 read a book at least once a week—more than the 58% of adults ages 30 and older who do so. Meanwhile, 43% of the younger group...

Harry Potter Casts Spell on Millennials' Political Views

Readers show 'greater support for equality': Anthony Gierzynski

(Newser) - JK Rowling's boy wizard hasn't just entertained millennials—he's worked his magic on their political views as well, writes a political science professor who's studied the subject. After surveying university students, Anthony Gierzynski found that "reading the books correlated with greater levels of acceptance for...

Only 1 in 4 Millennials Plan to Vote This Fall

And other poll data

(Newser) - Democrats got some polling news today that might be even scarier than yesterday's approval numbers . Only 23% of voters age 18 to 29 say they "definitely" plan to vote in the 2014 midterms, according to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll spotted by the Christian Science Monitor...

Millennials Will Be Our Greatest Generation
Millennials Will Be
Our Greatest Generation

Millennials Will Be Our Greatest Generation

Given time, they will outshine even Brokaw's favorites: Chris Erskine

(Newser) - A columnist in the Los Angeles Times today makes the bold assertion that millennials are poised to be our "greatest generation." And no, Chris Erskine is not a millennial himself. But he's taught them, coached them, and worked beside them, and he can't say enough good...

Almost Half of Millennial Moms Aren&#39;t Married
 Almost Half of Millennial 
 Moms Aren't Married 

Almost Half of Millennial Moms Aren't Married

And other facts about the generation

(Newser) - Millennials are getting married later and at a slower pace than previous generations—in part because of economic harships—and that's leading to a lot of babies born out of wedlock. Roughly 47% of the millennial women who had babies in 2012 weren't married, compared with 35% of...

Protective Parents Could Kill the NFL
 Protective Parents 
 Could Kill the NFL 

Protective Parents Could Kill the NFL

How concussion awareness could hit football's talent pipeline

(Newser) - Will the Millennials be the generation that killed pro football? Morley Winograd and Michael Hais, who've written two books on Millennials, think so, because if any generation is going to be scared off by the reports of the long-term risks of the game, it's them. "Millennials are...

How Millennials Are Going to Improve the Workplace

They won't tolerate our work-too-much lifestyles, writes Emily Matchar

(Newser) - Gen Y millennials have begun arriving in force in the workplace, and given their reputation as self-centered, spoiled brats, this can only be a bad thing, right? Exactly the opposite, writes Emily Matchar in the Washington Post , who at 30 thinks of herself as an "older sister" to millennials....

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