weight loss

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Biggest Loser Loses Sight of Contestants' Health

Fasting, dehydration, hospitalization daily reality of reality show

(Newser) - The Biggest Loser has produced some amazing results for its obese contestants, but at what cost? Many see the pounds come right back, and it’s likely because they engage in dangerous, damaging behavior in the first place in order to win the weight-loss reality show, the New York Times...

Today's Hot Dieting Tool: Breast Feeding

Study shows breastfeeding women slim faster

(Newser) - It's not the most PC thing to admit, but more and more moms are jumping on the breast-feeding wagon for the love of their...waist, reports Catherine Saint Louis for the New York Times. "For those incredibly shrinking women, the time they nurse is precious not only for its...

Drudge Alarmed Over Skinny Obama
 Drudge Alarmed 
 Over Skinny Obama 

Drudge Alarmed Over Skinny Obama

Prez not chain-smoking, but does skip some meals

(Newser) - In a post today headlined “Barack ‘N Bones,” the Drudge Report sounds the alarm over President Obama’s gaunt appearance over the weekend. An intense, hoops-heavy exercise regimen is behind what the conservative site calls “dramatic” weight loss. “No, he’s not chain smoking,”...

Sarko to French Pols: Put Down the Croissants

French government gets the fitness bug after president loses 15 pounds

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy has lost 15 pounds since he married Carla Bruni, subsisting on a diet of cottage cheese, fruit compote, and bottled water—and he's not the only one in the French government who's slimming down. As the Times of London reports, Sarkozy is pressuring his ministers to lose weight,...

Goodbye, K-Fat: Federline to Slim Down—on TV

Britney Spears' ex has packed on the pounds, will appear on Celebrity Fit Club

(Newser) - Kevin Federline is going to have to stop eating at McDonald's. Nicknamed K-Fat for the pounds he's packed on, Britney Spear's porky ex is on board for the next season of Celebrity Fit Club, TMZ reports, complete with embarrassing shirtless photos of the blown-up former model and wannabe rapper. He'll...

Phylicia Rashad Slims Down
 Phylicia Rashad Slims Down 

Phylicia Rashad Slims Down

(Newser) - Dr. Huxtable would be proud: Phylicia Rashad has shed 35 pounds since December with a little help from Jenny Craig, reports the New York Daily News. Filling the shoes of past spokeswomen Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, Rashad decided to take action after getting winded while walking up stairs. The...

Why Exercise May Not Erase That Gut

 Why Exercise 
 May Not Erase 
 That Gut 


Why Exercise May Not Erase That Gut

Rigorous exercise can make you eat more, and diet affects weight more than exercise

(Newser) - Despite forcing himself to do a rigorous amount of aerobic exercise, John Cloud hasn't budged from 163 pounds—with gut fat. Shouldn’t all that exercise change something? Not necessarily, he writes for Time. Science has shown that exercise has much less effect than diet on overall weight. The problem,...

'Cankle' Anxiety Grips Body-Conscious

(Newser) - Body-conscious Americans have been given a whole new area to fret about about in recent years, the Wall Street Journal reports. "Cankle"—a lower calf too chubby for an ankle to be properly defined—has entered the lexicon in recent years. Gyms, plastic surgeons, and shoe companies have...

Health Bill Has a Big Carrot for the Healthy

Senate measure would let employers cut premiums up to 50%

(Newser) - A measure slipped into the Senate’s health care reform bill could cut workers’ insurance costs by up to half if they eat well, lose weight, and quit smoking, the Boston Globe reports. The measure may be key to encouraging Americans to stay healthy without too much government imposition, a...

I'll Help Kirstie Lose Weight: Bertinelli

Yo-yo dieter Alley 'not a failure,' fellow Jenny Craig alum says

(Newser) - Actress Valerie Bertinelli wants to help Kirstie Alley in the battle of the bulge, she tells ABC of her fellow Jenny Craig pitchwoman, who gained back all 75 lost pounds she lost on the weight-loss system, plus 10, and set off to start her own diet plan. “Let me...

Dieting? Skip the Pricey Pills
 Dieting? Skip the Pricey Pills 

Dieting? Skip the Pricey Pills

No way around healthy eating and exercise

(Newser) - Now that Americans have had access to the first over-the-counter weight-loss drug for 18 months, we've become a lean, mean nation, right? Not so much, writes Debra Sherman for Reuters. It's true that Alli—$60 for a 30-day supply—gives users slightly better results, but they're probably not worth the...

Women Hard-Wired to Eat More
 Women Hard-Wired to Eat More 

Women Hard-Wired to Eat More

Brain scans reveal that men may be better able to resist food

(Newser) - Women may be hard-wired to overeat, according to a new study of why men diet more successfully than women. A little-understood mechanism in the brain appears to give women less self control when it comes to dieting. Researchers speculate that women have evolved to crave food for pregnancy and lactation....

Diet Books for a Skinny 2009
 Diet Books for a Skinny 2009 

Diet Books for a Skinny 2009

Menu: Lemon juice, meditation, and a lunchbox of meat

(Newser) - Another year, another diet book. What's new? The Wall Street Journal dishes the skinny—and the zany—for 2009:
  • I Can Make You Thinner, Paul McKenna: Train your brain to only eat when hungry (hypnosis cd included).
  • The Lemon Juice Diet, Teresa Cheung: The initial recipe—lemon juice, water, maple

Jobs: Hormone Imbalance Is Causing Weight Loss

(In other words: Stop saying I have cancer)

(Newser) - Apple mastermind Steve Jobs, looking to silence whispers about his health, said today his doctors have discovered a hormonal imbalance that's causing his weight loss, reports the AP. Rumors have been flying since the increasingly gaunt-looking cancer survivor canceled his annual speech to the Macworld conference tomorrow. “The remedy...

Why Oprah's Weight Matters to Millions

We're sharing in her long health struggle

(Newser) - Why do we follow Oprah’s battle with her weight so avidly? Because so many of us share the same battle, and identify so strongly with its ups and downs, writes Robin Givhan in the Washington Post. Oprah “may sell a million books, hand out scholarships and cars, build...

Weight Can Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

But side effects of treatment can make it harder to shed pounds

(Newser) - There may be a direct connection between weight and breast cancer in women, MSNBC reports. Overweight women “have more exposure to estrogen,” one doctor said, "which we think increases their risk of several different cancers.” Breast cancer patients across the country are now coupling their therapy...

Half-Ton Mexican Man Dies After Pleading For Help

Man had gone on TV to ask nation for assistance in solving his weight problem

(Newser) - A bedridden 990-pound man who had appealed on Mexican television for help tackling his weight problem has died of heart failure, AP reports. Emergency officials had to knock down Jose Luis Garza's bedroom wall and hoist him onto the back of a friend's pickup truck to take him to the...

Recruit Drops and Gives the Army 100 ... Pounds

263-pound woman lost weight to enlist

(Newser) - A Texas woman shed 113 pounds to join the Army, saying she was startled into action after being told she was too heavy to qualify. “I’ll never see her again,” a recruiter says he thought on meeting 263-pound Ashley Barrett-Carter, the Dallas Morning News reports. Now in...

Moss: Fashion Biz Made Me Thin

Models blame industry practices for weight

(Newser) - Über-thin supermodel Kate Moss blames the fashion industry, not anorexia, for the "heroin chic" look she made famous in the '90s. Moss sets the record straight in Interview, saying her hectic modeling schedule contributed to her scant weight: "You go to a show, and there's no food...

30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study
 30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study

30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study

Researchers recommend at least an hour daily to keep off pounds

(Newser) - Thirty minutes of moderate exercise daily may not trim off the fat after all, a new study says. University of Pittsburgh researchers say it takes at least 55 minutes per day, five days a week, to keep off the pounds. The study followed 200 overweight women, and found that only...

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