
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Big Government Prevented Great Depression II
Big Government Prevented Great Depression II

Big Government Prevented Great Depression II

...And Republicans kept demanding that it step aside and allow it

(Newser) - The economy isn’t in great shape, but we’re going to avoid Great Depression II, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. “What saved us? The answer, basically, is big government.” Unlike the private sector, the government didn’t decrease spending as its income decreased, which...

China's eBay Thrives in Global Downturn

(Newser) - China's version of eBay is flourishing despite a crawling global economy and critics accusing the company of abetting black marketeers, the New York Times reports. Started 6 years ago, offers free listings, which forced eBay out of China and lured 120 million users who generate $15 billion in...

Posh Resort Offers $19 Empty Room —With Tent

(Newser) - A chic San Diego hotel is offering rooms for only $19 a night—without toiletries, towels, sheets, or a bed, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. “It's our way of getting people here that might not normally come," says Rancho Bernardo Inn manager John Gates. Taken over by...

Stimulus Worked: Economists

 Stimulus Worked: 

Stimulus Worked: Economists

Good news for prez ahead of today's job-loss report

(Newser) - President Obama’s stimulus package appears to have helped the economy bottom out more swiftly, an economists’ report says. Analysts hold that the stimulus boosted economic growth by about a percentage point in the second quarter—not enough to keep the economy from shrinking but enough to slow the pace...

Women of the Future: Powerful, Stressed

Women feel overworked amid gains in economic clout

(Newser) - Women are gaining economic clout, but they’re also feeling overburdened, a survey of 12,000 women in 21 countries finds. Women spend some 70% of consumer dollars globally and are set to produce 70% of household income growth in the next 5 years—meaning entrepreneurs who can help them...

Geithner Won't Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

 Geithner Won't 
 Rule Out 
 Middle Class 
 Tax Hike 

Geithner Won't Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

Romer says the economy hasn't bottomed yet

(Newser) - President Obama’s top economic advisers fanned out across the Sunday talk shows today, with Tim Geithner leaving open the possibility that Obama would renege on a campaign promise not to raise taxes on the middle class. “We’re going to have to do what’s necessary” to revive...

Obama: the Economy Is on the Mend (if Slowly)

(Newser) - Citing fresh evidence that the economy is on the road to recovery, President Obama this morning credited his $787 billion economic stimulus program for helping "put the brakes on this recession," and cautioned that full recovery will take many more months. The country's future economic prosperity depends on...

GDP Slows Descent, Falls Just 1%

(Newser) - The US economy contracted in the second quarter, but it was a mild decline that beat analyst estimates, Bloomberg reports. GDP fell 1%, less than the 1.5% economists predicted, and a heck of a lot less than the 6.4% and 5.4% drops seen in the two previous...

Upbeat Earnings Have CEOs Singing Rebound

(Newser) - CEOs and investors have springs in their steps. After a week full of positive earnings reports, many now believe worst is over, the Wall Street Journal reports. Yesterday saw a slew of reports that matched or beat estimates, including Motorola, Goodyear, Sony, and Kellogg Co. The economy “has found...

Fed Sees More Signs of Recovery

(Newser) - The economy is finally beginning to show signs of stabilizing in some parts of the US, bolstering hopes of a broader-based recovery this year. A Federal Reserve snapshot of economic conditions issued today finds that most of the Fed's 12 regions indicated either that "the pace of decline has...

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

 Dems' 2010 
 Start to Dim 

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

Economy plagues party whose future looked brighter months ago

(Newser) - Things looked rosy for the Democrats in January—but amid economic concerns and trouble for party governors, 2010 could be tougher than expected, Politico reports. Midterm elections typically favor the opposition, and “we don’t have the burden of Iraq as we did in 2006 and don’t have...

In Recession, Homeowners Nail Contractors

As many vie for projects, consumer gains the upper hand

(Newser) - Hiring a contractor to remodel a kitchen or resurface a floor once meant a lot of hassle and some serious cash. But the recession has changed all that: Contractors these days are ready and willing to work on the cheap, Time reports. Projects are smaller, and spending on remodeling is...

Risk Aversion Keeps Loans Shrinking

Trend suggests economy has a long way to go

(Newser) - Lending is still on the downswing, the Wall Street Journal finds, as an analysis of 15 banks' total loans on offer in the second quarter shows another 2.8% decline. What's worse, more than half of April and May’s loan volume was tied to refinanced mortgages and renewed credit...

Recession Is Kaput; Now for the 'Smart Economy'
Recession Is Kaput; Now
for the 'Smart Economy'

Recession Is Kaput; Now for the 'Smart Economy'

(Newser) - The Great Recession is cooling off, but Americans will feel the heat for a while—because recovery is tricky this time, Daniel Gross writes in Newsweek. Another economic bubble inflated by consumption would be a mere Band-Aid. That's why President Obama is trying to create a four-sided "smart economy"...

Barnes: Obama's an 'Economic IIliterate'

(Newser) - President Obama has big plans for the economy, and that’s too bad because he knows nothing about it, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard. All of his proposals and angry jabs at Wall Street are counter to his professed interest in growth and job creation. “Obamanomics pays...

Minimum Wage Rises to $7.25
 Minimum Wage Rises to $7.25 

Minimum Wage Rises to $7.25

Some say hike will hurt small business; others hold it'll boost economy

(Newser) - The minimum wage today jumps 70 cents to $7.25 an hour, a move that rekindles a debate as old as the wage itself, notes the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Some worry that the increase puts an unfair burden on small businesses, especially with times so tight; others say low-wage earners will...

Good News: We've Hit Bottom!
Good News: We've Hit Bottom!

Good News: We've Hit Bottom!

Of course, the bad news is: We've hit bottom!

(Newser) - Former Fed vice chairman Alan Blinder has some good news and some bad news about the economy, and it’s the same news: We’ve hit bottom. Third-quarter GDP should turn positive, and the fourth quarter could even hold an upside surprise. Growth of 3% or even 4% is utterly...

Things We Want, and Don't, in Odd Recession

Hard-times staples fall by the wayside

(Newser) - The current economic crisis is breaking the recessionary mold, Time reports, with American purchases running counter to expectations. A few surprises:
  • Soup isn’t selling. Typically, the cheap, decent food is a recession staple, but health concerns and rising prices may be driving us away from it.
  • Organic food sales

Obama's Poll Numbers Dive
 Obama's Poll 
 Numbers Dive 

Obama's Poll Numbers Dive

(Newser) - The public is rapidly losing faith in President Obama, new polls show. His overall approval rating is below 60%—a USA Today/Gallup poll gives him 55%, putting him 10th among the 12 post-World War II presidents after six months in office. A Public Trust Monitor/Politico survey finds 54% trust Obama,...

Poll: Obama Sinks Below 50% on Health Care

Numbers drop on health care, economy, deficit

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating on health care has dropped from 57% in April to below half for the first time, as resistance heats up, even among Democrats, to the reform bill working its way through Congress, a Washington Post-ABC News poll finds. Some 49% approve and 44% (up from...

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