
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Religious Folk More Often Politically ... Liberal?

In Britain, religious people are more often progressives

(Newser) - Is the term "Christian liberal" about to enter our political lexicon? So says a British report, which finds that 55% of religious people say they're political lefties, compared to 40% who identify conservative, reports the Guardian . And 41% of the faithful say they value equality over freedom, compared...

Heretic Nation: At Last Our Candidates Fit
 Heretic Nation: 
 At Last Our Candidates Fit 
Ross Douthat

Heretic Nation: At Last Our Candidates Fit

Ross Douthat: But is religious diversity a good thing?

(Newser) - In the 20th century, most US presidents and presidential candidates were Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians—in other words, Protestants. But in the 2012 presidential race? With a Mormon, a traditionalist Catholic, and a nondenominational Christian with ties to liberation theology, "we finally have a presidential field whose diversity mirrors the...

17 Men Nailed to Crosses in Philippines

 17 Men Nailed 
 to Crosses in 
good friday

17 Men Nailed to Crosses in Philippines

Church opposes yearly ritual

(Newser) - At least 17 men were nailed to crosses to mark Good Friday in front of thousands in Philippine villages today. Under the watch of villagers posing as Roman centurions, the men were crucified for a few minutes as part of a religious reenactment that occurs yearly, the AP reports. Those...

The Most Religious State in America Is...

...Mississippi. South tops the list, while New England is at the bottom

(Newser) - Don't tell Hester Prynne, but it's the Deep South that is the most religious region in the country, while New England is the most godless, according to a new Gallup Poll . The poll asked respondents whether religion was an important part of their daily life, and whether they...

Tennessee Bill Encourages Critiques of Evolution

It protects teachers who debate the issue in classrooms

(Newser) - A bill in Tennessee's legislature would protect teachers who encourage debate in the classroom about evolution—a measure that opponents say is just a guise to teach creationism or intelligent design, reports the Tennessean . Top science groups and the ACLU have come out against the bill, which the state...

'I Hate Religion, Love Jesus' Video Poem Goes Viral

Jeff Bethke's YouTube video is a hit for Tacoma native

(Newser) - “Religion puts you in shackles, but Jesus sets you free. Religion makes you blind, but Jesus lets you see.” If you're one of the 20 million who have seen Jeff Bethke's viral video, "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus," you've already heard...

Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim
Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim
Poll numbers

Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim

Only 12% said he was Christian in Public Policy Polling survey

(Newser) - Despite years of assertions to the contrary, a chunk of voters continue to believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Mediaite noticed this nugget in this morning's Public Policy Polling survey from Alabama and Mississippi: Asked what religion the president is, a whopping 45% of GOP voters in Alabama,...

How Santorum Became a Strict Catholic

The Republican candidate wasn't always so religious

(Newser) - Rick Santorum wasn't always a strict Catholic who spoke out against prenatal testing and wanted to "throw up" at the thought of separating Church and state. Neither was his wife, Karen, who dated an abortion doctor and moved in liberal circles in the 1980s. But when the pair...

Faith Experts to Santorum: Stop Ripping Colleges

Calls Obama academic 'snob'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has a bone to pick with college. This weekend, he called President Obama "a snob" for wanting "everybody in America to go to college"—perhaps a bit strange coming from a man with more degrees than the president, the Washington Post notes. Added Santorum: “...

Atheist Richard Dawkins: God Might Exist

The evolutionary biologist says he isn't totally sure

(Newser) - World-famous atheist Richard Dawkins said in a debate this week that he's at least a little bit agnostic, the Telegraph reports. Sharing an Oxford University stage with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, Dawkins said he was “6.9 out of seven” certain of his atheism. “...

In Ohio, a Drive-Thru Ash Wednesday

Get your Christianity in a Cincinnati church parking lot

(Newser) - No time for church, but still want to observe Ash Wednesday today? A Cincinnati church has the answer for its harried faithful: A drive-thru. The Mt. Healthy Methodist Church will today offer up ashes and a blessing in its parking lot between 5 and 6pm, reports the Enquirer , and you...

8 Celebs Who Switched Religions ... for Love

Drew Barrymore, converting to Judaism, is the latest

(Newser) - Drew Barrymore is getting married , but first she's—reportedly—converting to Judaism, the religion fiance Will Kopelman practices. She follows the tradition of these seven other celebrity spouses (or not-quite-spouses) who did the same thing, notes The Frisky :
  • Isla Fisher: Converted to Judaism for Sacha Baron Cohen.
  • Jesus Luz:

Tim Tebow's Stats Match Biblical Verse

And so did the fourth-quarter television ratings

(Newser) - This might just be a weird coincidence, or Tim Tebow's dramatic defeat of the Steelers last night may have been a miracle in more ways than one. The polarizing Denver quarterback wound up throwing for 316 yards, which, if you toss in a colon in the right spot, mirrors...

Sweden Has Official New Religion: File Sharing

Believers join Missionary Church of Kopimism

(Newser) - Sweden may not condone file-sharing—it's still illegal—but the country is officially OK with belief in the practice. Some 3,000 passionate file-sharers have gotten their beliefs recognized as an official religion. The Missionary Church of Kopimism—as in, "copy-me-ism"—has sought official status in Sweden...

Pat Robertson Calls SNL's Tebow Skit 'Bigotry'

Televangelist says 'anti-Christian' bias is rampant

(Newser) - One person most definitely not amused by last weekend's Tim Tebow skit on Saturday Night Live was Pat Robertson, reports the LA Times . The sketch, in which Jesus visits Tebow in the locker room and tells him he's overdoing the religious stuff, is evidence of the "anti-Christian...

Markings Puzzle Israel Archaeologists

Three 'V' shapes carved in newly unearthed room in Jerusalem

(Newser) - Peculiar, unexplained stone carvings created thousands of years ago and recently unearthed in Jerusalem are baffling archaeologists, reports AP . Israeli excavators discovered them in the floor of a newly discovered room under the oldest section of the city. The three mysterious "V" shapes are about 2 inches deep and...

At Air Force 'Stonehenge', a Pagan Sanctuary

'We're here to accommodate all religions, period,' faith chief says

(Newser) - The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado is taking its commitment to respect religious minorities very seriously, the Los Angeles Times finds. Earlier this year, the academy dedicated a Stonehenge-like worship center on a hill for the use of current and future cadets who are pagans, druids, Wiccans, or...

Atheists to Military: Recognize Us

Handful apply to be humanist leaders, thus far without success

(Newser) - The nonreligious may make up just a fraction of the military, but they say their beliefs are as valid as those of their religious counterparts—and the military should recognize them. Some dozen troops are currently applying to become humanist lay leaders—joining the lay Christians, Muslims, and Jews who...

House to Vote on Beefing Up 'In God We Trust'

Bill would encourage schools, government buildings to post national motto

(Newser) - It's already stamped on our coins, but a group of lawmakers would like see our national motto get even greater play. The House will vote on a bill today that would strengthen the phrase "In God We Trust" and push schools and other government and public buildings to...

Hate Halloween? Celebrate 'Jesus Ween'

And no, it's not a holiday about 'Jesus's ween'

(Newser) - Seth Abramovitch was delighted when he ran across , a site encouraging folks to participate in "Jesus Ween," a Christian alternative to Halloween, on Oct. 31. "Jesus Ween is not, in fact, a celebration of Jesus's ween," Abramovitch notes on Gawker ; even so, the...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>