US Congress

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Senate Makes Limp Efforts to Duck Sequester

But 'it's going to happen' despite votes: Rep.

(Newser) - Today, the Senate will vote on two plans that could potentially avert the sequester—but passage doesn't seem likely, USA Today reports. The Democrats' plan, which focuses on a minimum 30% tax on millionaires as well as defense and farm cuts, lacks the 60 votes it would need to...

Congress Speaks Like a Bunch of 10th-Graders

It's dropped a grade since 2005: analysis

(Newser) - Didn't do so great on that last vocabulary test? That's OK, there's a place in Congress for you. The current class of congressmembers speaks at a 10.6 grade level—down almost a full grade from 2005's 11.5 grade level on the Flesch-Kincaid scale. According...

Obama, Congress May as Well Go Home

Nothing will get done until after the election anyway: Judd Gregg

(Newser) - With 2012 campaign in full swing, neither the president nor Congress will do much governing until after the November elections—so they might as well just go home, and leave Washington to the pundits, the lobbyists, and the "professional, mid-level cadre" of bureaucrats who actually run the government anyway,...

Rep. Jay Inslee to Resign, Run for Governor in Washington

Inslee will face Rob McKenna in gubernatorial election

(Newser) - Rep. Jay Inslee is resigning from Congress to focus full time on running for governor of Washington state this fall. The Democrat announced his decision today at a news conference in Seattle. Inslee is in his eighth term representing a Seattle-area district in the House. Washington's Democratic governor, Christine...

Even Congress Hates Congress
 Even Congress 
 Hates Congress 

Even Congress Hates Congress

And that has many of them jumping ship, finds Politico

(Newser) - Also on the list of people who aren't too keen on Congress these days: members of Congress. Consider the woes they now face: fewer freebies (darn ethics rules), pay frozen at a meager $174,000, increasingly expensive campaigns, no earmarks for those back home, and a seeming lack of...

Congress Is Done for the Year
 Congress Is Done for the Year 
yep, it's only Feb. 16

Congress Is Done for the Year

Don't expect any major legislation in 2012

(Newser) - It's only February, but most lawmakers expect the payroll tax holiday extension be the last major piece of legislation Congress passes all year, as election year politicking brings the 112th Congress —not exactly known for its blistering pace —to a screeching halt. What will Congress do about...

Joseph Kennedy III Running for Barney Frank's Seat

Bobby Kennedy's prosecutor grandson aims for Congress

(Newser) - There could be another Kennedy in DC soon. Joseph P. Kennedy III, Bobby Kennedy's grandson, has announced he's running for the Massachusetts congressional seat currently held by retiring Rep. Barney Frank . "I believe this country was founded on a simple idea: that every person deserves to be...

Lawmakers Shuffled Millions to Relatives&#39; Causes
Lawmakers Shuffled Millions to Relatives' Causes

Lawmakers Shuffled Millions to Relatives' Causes

'Washington Post' finds 16 members of Congress engaging in practice

(Newser) - A Washington Post investigation finds that 16 members of Congress have sent tax dollars, sometimes in the millions, to companies or other organizations with links to their family trees. Through direct funding or earmarking, these lawmakers have boosted the budgets of Pentagon programs, environmental groups, schools, and other places where...

84% Unhappy With Congress
 84% Unhappy With Congress 
survey says

84% Unhappy With Congress

That's another new record...

(Newser) - For once, a poll finds a new high for Congress rather than a new low. Of course, that high—84%—is the percentage of Americans who disapprove of the job Congress is doing. And many Americans aren't just moderately unhappy: Almost two-thirds of that group "disapprove strongly."...

Obama Signs Defense Bill Despite 'Reservations'

President questions provisions about treatment of suspected terrorists

(Newser) - President Barack Obama signed a wide-ranging defense bill into law today despite having "serious reservations" about provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists. The bill also applies penalties against Iran's central bank in an effort to hamper Tehran's ability to fund its nuclear...

Lobbyists More Ethical Than Congress

 More Ethical 
 Than Congress 
poll numbers

Lobbyists More Ethical Than Congress

A record 64% rate Congress members' honesty as 'low' or 'very low'

(Newser) - A whopping 64% of Americans think Congress members have "low" or "very low" levels of honesty and ethical standards, a number that could not be matched even by lobbyists, car salespeople, or telemarketers. In fact, only one other group has ever received a score that high for the...

Another New Low for Congress
 Another New Low for Congress 
gallup poll

Another New Low for Congress

Not many want to see members reelected: Gallup poll

(Newser) - Another day, another record low for Congress: Just 20% of respondents in the latest Gallup poll believe most members should be reelected. And a record high, too: The poll also finds that 76% don't believe most representatives should be reelected. That's the highest number since Gallup started asking...

Congress&#39; Productivity Plunges
 Congress' Productivity Plunges 

Congress' Productivity Plunges

Hill approving fewer bills, fewer laws being signed

(Newser) - Non-election years are typically productive times for Congress, but not this year. As of last week, the House had passed 326 bills, its fewest in the last 10 non-election years, while the Senate had green-lit 368, its lowest total since 1995, the Washington Post observes. (For comparison, the House passed...

Next Dogfight for Congress: Payroll Taxes

And this time, the outcome could cost you about $1K

(Newser) - Now that the super committee lies in ruins, Congress has another scramble on its hands—what to do about the current payroll tax holiday, which is up Dec. 31, and unemployment benefits, which expire for 2 million people soon after. Failing to extend either could put a serious dent in...

Peter Schweizer: Legal 'Insider Trading' Rampant in Congress

 New Book: 
 Insider Trading 
 Rampant in  
in case you missed it

New Book: Insider Trading Rampant in Congress

Members reap benefits of policy knowledge on Wall Street

(Newser) - In Congress, it’s easy to do the kind of stock trading that “would send the rest of us to prison,” writes Peter Schweizer in a new book on the Hill’s upside-down ethics. Members of Congress are, of course, equipped with insider knowledge about upcoming policy, and...

GOP Debt Co-Chair: No Deal in Sight

Super committee talks 'like a roller coaster ride'

(Newser) - The Republican co-chair of a committee in charge of slashing the nation's deficit on today called deliberations a "roller coaster ride" and gave no indication that a deal could be struck before the panel's Thanksgiving deadline. Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling said the panel will fail unless Democrats...

How Many House Members Skip Out on Votes?

More than you might think, according to 'NYT' analysis

(Newser) - If Congress was graded like school, some House members wouldn't be getting As: Almost 20 of them have missed more than 10% of this year’s votes, according to a New York Times analysis. Though 10% may not seem very significant at first glance, the Times notes that most...

Congress' Approval Rating 9%; President Obama at 46% in CBS/NYT Poll
 Congress' New 
 Approval Rating Low: 9% 
in case you missed it

Congress' New Approval Rating Low: 9%

Just when you thought 11% rating couldn't go lower...

(Newser) - Congress’ approval ratings have sunk to their lowest since CBS and the New York Times started keeping track in 1977: Just 9% of Americans now approve of the job Congress is doing, down from 11% last month. Only a tenth of Americans trust the government to make generally sound decisions,...

Congress Isn't Ready for Massive Terrorist Hit: Critics

What would happen if majority of members killed, incapacitated?

(Newser) - The Washington Post points to an important question that failed to get asked after the FBI arrested Rezwan Ferdaus for allegedly planning an attack on the US Capitol: Is Congress prepared for a catastrophic terrorist strike? If more than half of the members of the House or the Senate were...

Boehner to Obama: Speak on Another Night

He asks president to postpone address to joint session of Congress

(Newser) - This might not bode well for President Obama's chances of getting Republicans to go along with his jobs plan: The two sides can't even agree on when he should unveil it. In response to Obama's request to address a joint session of Congress on Sept. 7, John...

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