Jake Gyllenhaal

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Jake and Anne Get Naked for EW

Why not strip to discuss a movie with lots of nudity?

(Newser) - Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway have been all over the place talking about the raciness of their upcoming flick, Love and Other Drugs—now they've gone ahead and stripped down for Entertainment Weekly to promote it. “There is that revoltingly embarrassing moment when you have to take your clothes...

2010: Worst Year Yet for Movies
 2010: Worst Year Yet for Movies 

2010: Worst Year Yet for Movies

Really? 'Hot Tub Time Machine' is the best we can do?

(Newser) - “2010 very possibly is the worst year in the history of motion pictures,” declares Joe Queenan in a hilarious Wall Street Journal piece bemoaning the downfall of American cinema. You know things are bad in Hollywood when:
  • “Shia LaBeouf—who looks a bit like the young George

22 Horrible Movie Hairdos
 22 Horrible Movie Hairdos 

22 Horrible Movie Hairdos

Gyllenhaal's 'Prince of Persia' coif is bad but far from the worst

(Newser) - If you found Jake Gyllenhaal's shaggy Prince of Persia mane amusing, great news: There's more where that came from. In the gallery, check out some of the 22 cringe-inducing movie hairstyles rounded up by Kate Ward of Entertainment Weekly . For the complete list, click here .

Prince of Persia Not a King Among Action Films

Bruckheimer swashbuckler true to its video-game roots

(Newser) - Citizen Kane, or even Pirates of the Caribbean, it isn't, but as a story-light video game adaptation, the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is pretty good at what it does, say critics—as long as you're more into action than plot.
  • Jake Gyllenhaal stars in "this

9 Celebs Who Would Never Cheat

Thank goodness not everyone in Hollywood is dirty

(Newser) - If Tiger Woods and Jesse James have caused you to lose your faith in men, perhaps these upstanding gents will comfort your troubled heart. Jo Piazza points to nine Hollywood guys who would (we certainly hope) never cheat, on PopEater :
  • Tom Hanks: He’s been married to Rita Wilson for

Blind Side Overshadows New Moon

 Blind Side 
 New Moon  
box office roundup

Blind Side Overshadows New Moon

Football flick capitalizes on strong Thanksgiving weekend

(Newser) - Building on strong word-of-mouth and an unexpectedly lucrative Thanksgiving weekend, The Blind Side caught and passed New Moon at the weekend box office. The Sandra Bullock vehicle pulled in $20.4 million to $15.7 million for the teen vampire sequel. Both dwarfed Brothers, which underperformed despite stars Natalie Portman,...

Brothers Has Strong Acting, Weak Heart
 Brothers Has Strong 
 Acting, Weak Heart 
movie review

Brothers Has Strong Acting, Weak Heart

Critics wonder: Why did Jim Sheridan need to do this remake?

(Newser) - Tobey Maguire, Natalie Portman, and Jake Gyllenhaal deliver solid performances in Jim Sheridan's war movie Brothers, but the film doesn't measure up to the 2004 Danish original, say critics:
  • Peter Howell, Toronto Star : "It's still a film worth seeing, if only for the performances, but it seems to be

Gyllenhaal, Witherspoon Call It Quits

Indie fave, Oscar winner dated for about 2 years

(Newser) - Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have split up after about 2 years of high-powered, high-profile coupledom. Walk the Line Oscar winner Witherspoon, 33, and Brokeback Mountain Oscar nominee Gyllenhaal, 28, met while working on Rendition in 2007, People reports. A cynic would expect to see him linked next to Natalie...

At 40, Sesame Street Hasn't Aged a Bit
 At 40, Sesame Street 
 Hasn't Aged a Bit 

At 40, Sesame Street Hasn't Aged a Bit

Classic kids' show pioneered educational entertainment

(Newser) - The first kids who learned the letters of the alphabet from Sesame Street could have grandchildren by now—but Big Bird hasn't aged a day. Using TV to educate preschoolers was a radical concept in 1969, when Sesame Street founder Joan Ganz Cooney and Muppet creator Jim Henson launched their...

Portman Loves 'Dirty Rap'
 Portman Loves 
 'Dirty Rap' 

Portman Loves 'Dirty Rap'

The word 'dick' just makes Natalie giggle

(Newser) - Among the confessions Natalie Portman makes to interviewer—and co-star—Jake Gyllenhaal in Interview: She was scared of Smurfs, is obsessed with Carvel ice cream cake, and loves “really, really obscene hip-hop,” she says. “I love it so much. It makes me laugh and then it makes...

Reese Not Ready to Marry Jake
 Reese Not Ready to Marry Jake 

Reese Not Ready to Marry Jake

Actress still has "a lot of hope for love"

(Newser) - Reese Witherspoon quashed rumors of an impending engagement to Jake Gyllenhaal in a recent interview with Parade magazine. “I don’t know how I feel about marriage,” she said. “Obviously, I’m not far enough out of being married to think about doing it again.” The...

'Really? This Is My Life?': Reese

Witherspoon talks romance, work, and fashion

(Newser) - Reese loves Paris, and Paris loves Reese. At a recent Vogue shoot, surrounded by fashion and fabulous views, Witherspoon charmed everyone in sight, Robert Sullivan writes. "Every once in a while you're hit with moments when you think, Really? This is my life? How lucky am I?" Witherspoon gushes....

10 Ways to Say 'I'm Not Gay'
 10 Ways to Say 'I'm Not Gay' 

10 Ways to Say 'I'm Not Gay'

Stars defend heterosexuality to their public

(Newser) - Star Jones' ex, Al Reynolds, used YouTube to make it official—he is not gay, just "kind of soft." His coming-in announcement prompts Radar to list the 10 best moments in defensive heterosexuality.
  1. Oprah Winfrey on rumors about her and Gayle King: ''Oh, please.''
  2. Jake Gyllenhaal: "

Gyllenhaal Lands Lead in Prince of Persia

Will star in the film adaptation of the cult favorite video game

(Newser) - Jake Gyllenhaal has scored the lead in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, a Jerry Bruckheimer adaptation of the popular video game, according to the Hollywood Reporter. In the blockbuster fantasy adventure, Gyllenhaal will play a 6th century Persian prince who, along with a feisty princess played by up-and-comer...

Rendition Torture to Sit Through
Rendition Torture to Sit Through

Rendition Torture to Sit Through

(Newser) - Rendition, the story of an American woman's search for her arrested Egyptian-born husband, is a well-meaning but ultimately shallow exploration of America's policies on torture, critics say. "Rendition tackles the concern in a heavy-handed thriller with simplistic characters and manipulative storylines," says the Hollywood Reporter.

Film Rendition Gets it Right, Says Gitmo Lawyer

Movie 'surprisingly courageous,' but can't change the world on its own

(Newser) - Rendition, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon, is a "surprisingly courageous" and accurate film, says a lawyer for Guantanamo Bay prisoners. The movie tells the story of an Egyptian man abducted and tortured by the CIA in Egypt. "Now, will we persuade the world in a moment? No,...

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