London bombings

10 Stories

UK's Theresa May: 'Enough Is Enough'

Most parties temporarily suspend campaigning as toll climbs to 7

(Newser) - Prime Minister Theresa May says of terror attacks in London and Manchester that "enough is enough"—and tougher measures are needed as "terrorism breeds terrorism" and attackers copy each other. May was speaking a day after three attackers left seven dead in an onslaught in the London...

Britain Remembers Its Worst Terror Attack of 21st Century

Woman tells how she escaped death on London train

(Newser) - "It was a split-second decision that probably saved my life," says Shanie Ryan. Ryan was a 20-year-old student riding the first car of a train in London on July 7, 2005, when her roommate got off at King's Cross station. She hopped out the door, gave him...

US Releases Terror Trainer, British Outraged

Mohammed Junaid Babar ran camp where London bomber trained

(Newser) - Controversy erupted in Britain today, in the wake of a Guardian report that the US had quietly released Mohammed Junaid Babar—the jihadi whose terrorist training camp produced the mastermind behind London’s 2005 suicide bombings that killed 52—after just four and a half years in jail. Babar was...

Osama Warns Europe to Leave Afghanistan

Al-Qaeda mastermind says Obama 'has no regard for human life'

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden wants Europe to pull its troops out Afghanistan and sever ties with the US. In a new audio message, the al-Qaeda chief admonishes European nations for putting in with a United States whose “supreme commander has no regard for human life and intentionally bombs villagers from...

London Unveils Terror Memorial

(Newser) - London officially unveiled its memorial to the 52 people killed in the July 7, 2005, terror attacks today, the Guardian reports. The Hyde Park memorial consists of 52 stainless steel pillars, each representing a victim, split into four groups corresponding to the four bombing targets. In the center is a...

Pakistan Arrests Suspect in '05 London Attacks

Al-Qaeda commander nabbed after tip from US intelligence

(Newser) - Pakistani police have arrested an al-Qaeda suspect believed to have links to the 2005 London transit bombings, acting on a tip from the US. Zabi ul Taifi, a Saudi national, was among seven al-Qaeda suspects caught in a raid near Peshawar, reports the AP. An unmanned spy plane and three...

Al-Qaeda Works Cheap, Stays Hidden
Works Cheap,
Stays Hidden

Al-Qaeda Works Cheap, Stays Hidden

Cells dodge dragnet by avoiding traceable transactions

(Newser) - International efforts to cut off terrorists from funding have failed because al-Qaeda cells operate cheaply and independently, avoiding official funding channels, experts say. While the US and its allies have focused on freezing bank accounts and monitoring financial transactions, operatives build $15 bombs, drum up hard-to-trace cash through illegal scams,...

Dutch Pol Posts Anti-Islam Film Online

Controversial movie slams Koran as 'fascist text'

(Newser) - A controversial anti-Islamic movie interweaving graphic images of 9/11, a beheading and protests by extremists has been posted on a maverick internet site by the leader of a far-right Dutch political party. Dutch television refused to broadcast the 17-minute movie, Fitna, which has been slammed as anti-Muslim propaganda. It ends...

Saudi, Brit Royals Dine
Saudi, Brit Royals Dine

Saudi, Brit Royals Dine

King Abdullah sweeps into London with 23 advisers and 400 aides

(Newser) - In the first visit of a Saudi king to the UK in 20 years, King Abdullah was treated to a Buckingham Palace banquet last night. His host, Queen Elizabeth, said Britain and Saudi Arabia must fight together against "terrorists who threaten the way of life of our citizens."...

'Osama Bin London' Planned Several Attacks

Accused in terror trial set up combat training camps, court is told

(Newser) - An alleged terrorist organizer planned "six or seven" attacks leading up to the 2012 London Olympics, according to an undercover police who infiltrated his organization, the Guardian reports. Mohammed Hamid, who reportedly called himself "Osama bin London," is accused of establishing military-style Islamist training camps all over...

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