Social Security

Stories 181 - 193 | << Prev 

First Boomer Applies for Social Security

Ex-teacher, approaching 62nd birthday, files online

(Newser) - The baby boom elephant moved a little further along the demographic boa constrictor today when the first boomer applied for Social Security benefits. Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, born at 12:00:01 a.m. on January 1, 1946, is a retired teacher and, a balanced-budget activist tells Bloomberg, "the first drop...

Judge Blocks Crackdown on Immigrant Workers

Nixes plan to track Social Security numbers

(Newser) - In a major blow to the Bush Administration, a federal judge has blocked a controversial program to find illegal immigrants in the workplace by tracking discrepancies in their Social Security data. A US district judge ruled the crackdown by the Department of Homeland Security would "subject employers to greater...

Clinton Promises Centrist Presidency
Clinton Promises Centrist Presidency

Clinton Promises Centrist Presidency

Says past partisan battles better equip her for uniting role

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton fought back today against opponents who call her a polarizing force, telling the Washington Post she's uniquely equipped to forge a centrist coalition. “You can't just wake up and say, ‘Let's all just hold hands.’” But, “You've got to demonstrate that you're not...

Solid Fred Joins Heated Debate
Solid Fred Joins Heated Debate

Solid Fred Joins Heated Debate

Giuliani, Romney have sharp exchanges

(Newser) - In the first debate of his nascent quest for the White House, Fred Thompson stuck to a traditional Republican agenda as the gloves of rivals Mitt Romney and Rudolph Giuliani came off in some of the sharpest clashes so far. The LA Times reports that Thompson, a former senator, appeared...

Obama Shifts Strategy, Takes Aim at Iowa

Falling behind Clinton in polls, Illinois senator steps up campaign

(Newser) - Barack Obama will skip Senate voting this week to get in some quality time with voters in Iowa on a trip his camp is calling the "Judgement and Experience Tour." This surge in campaigning is likely to be the first of several as the Illinois senator tries to...

Social Security Fund Faces $13.6 Trillion Shortfall

Only taxes or slashed benefits can save program

(Newser) - Slashing benefits or hiking taxes—or both—is the only way to make the Social Security system solvent, reports a Treasury Department briefing paper. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warned that faster economic growth alone won't solve the money problems of  Social Security, which faces a $13.6 trillion shortfall in...

Bush Vows to Hunt Down Illegals
Bush Vows to Hunt Down Illegals

Bush Vows to Hunt Down Illegals

Upped enforcement promises crisis for some

(Newser) - Bush is vowing to enforce old immigration laws after all, now that comprehensive reform has croaked on the Senate floor. He promises to crack down on workers who don't have valid Social Security numbers in particular, but bosses parry that there can be good reasons for numerical snafus with the...

GAO Warns of Decline & Fall .... of America

US problems are the same that destroyed Roman Empire, chief declares

(Newser) - America's dire state resembles that of the Rome just before its fall, the head of the General Accountability Office has warned in a grim new report. "Declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military, and fiscal irresponsibility," could lead to disaster here at...

Feds Get Tough on Employers of Illegals

Raids, deportations expected as Washington tightens rules

(Newser) - Immigration officials are set to step up raids on employers across America suspected of hiring illegal immigrants, the New York Times reports.  The tough enforcement action will back up new rules to be announced this week requiring bosses to fire workers who use false Social Security numbers, which are...

Bush 0 for 4 on 2nd-Term Goals
Bush 0 for 4 on 2nd-Term Goals

Bush 0 for 4 on 2nd-Term Goals

With the death of the latest immigration bill, the president may have lost his last chance at a domestic legacy

(Newser) - The immigration bill that died in the Senate yesterday was President Bush's last hope to salvage any one of his four domestic policy goals for the second term, the Washington Post reports. The goals laid out after 2004 reelection included Social Security and tax overhauls,  a curb upon "...

Dutch Do Pensions Right
Dutch Do Pensions Right

Dutch Do Pensions Right

The US should read up on Social Security in the Netherlands, reports Time

(Newser) - Governments around the world are stuck between tightfisted Anglo-American pension plans that pay only a fraction of one's past salary, and extravagant European-style social security that ends up welshing on the payments. But the Dutch have struck a balance that's working, reports Time, as sufficient amounts of money are saved...

Pension Flub Could Doom Japanese PM
Pension Flub Could Doom Japanese PM

Pension Flub Could Doom Japanese PM

Government loses track of 64M checks, enraging voters

(Newser) - A pension scandal rocking Japan threatens to bring down the ruling party, and it could take PM Shinzo Abe with it. Sixty-four million pension payments—in a country of 130 million—have gone missing, and that's riling Japan's growing gray-haired population. The pensioners may pay Abe back with a vote...

Swift Boater Gets Recess Appointment

Bush slips three controversial conservatives past Senate

(Newser) - President Bush doled out three major recess appointments yesterday to  conservatives Democrats found distasteful. Ambassador to Belgium went to Sam Fox, a top-tier donor to Republican causes including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 527 that sank John Kerry’s shot at the White House.

Stories 181 - 193 | << Prev