
Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Why Cyclists Annoy You

 Why Cyclists Annoy You 

Why Cyclists Annoy You

Even though most aren't assholes like Jim Saksa

(Newser) - Jim Saska freely admits he is an "asshole cyclist." "I'm that jerk weaving in and out of traffic, going the wrong way down a one-way street, and making a left on red. I'm truly a menace on the road," he writes on Slate . But...

4 out of 5 of Bike Sharers Don't Wear Helmets

Study also finds that about half of cyclists overall skip the headgear

(Newser) - Bicycle-sharing programs are catching on around the country, which is good if you care about the environment, and bad if you care about people's skulls. A new study from Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found that about half of all cyclists and more than 80% of bike-share...

Bicycling Can Hurt Women&#39;s Sexual Health
Bicycling Can Hurt
Women's Sexual Health
study says

Bicycling Can Hurt Women's Sexual Health

Low handlebars seem to be the big problem, say researchers

(Newser) - Previous studies have shown that riding a bicycle regularly can take take a toll on men's sexual health, and new research from Yale suggests the same holds true for women, reports the New York Times . The one stand-out finding: the lower the handlebars, the greater the trouble. If a...

Mayor Smashes Car Parked in Bike Lane With a Tank

Arturas Zuokas shows us why Lithuania is awesome

(Newser) - Here’s one emphatic way to crack down on cars squatting in the bike lane: Run them over with a tank. The mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania, did just that recently. In the video below you can see Arturas Zuokas—supposedly an “avid cyclist”—climb into an armored personnel...

Driver Plows Into Pack of LA Cyclists

Eleven people hurt as police explore DWI charges

(Newser) - A suspected drunken driver plowed into a group of bicyclists on a midnight ride in Los Angeles, injuring 11, one critically, police said. The riders were in a group of about 100 cyclists that were struck by a white Honda Civic shortly before 2am today about 8 miles south of...

Transportation Secretary Is an Accidental Hipster

Ray LaHood isn't sure what 'hipster' means, but he likes urban bikers

(Newser) - Transportation chief Ray LaHood tells the Huffington Post that he'll push for more protections for bicyclists in US cities and likes the idea of more dedicated bike lanes. “I’m concerned that people that are driving cars have a level of respect for bikers, and that’s the...

Save the Economy: Ride a Bike
 Save the Economy: 
 Ride a Bike 

Save the Economy: Ride a Bike

You'll save money, and local businesses get a boost

(Newser) - Think of it as the "bicycle economy," writes Elly Blue in Grist . Ditching your car for a bike not only saves you thousands of dollars every year, it boosts local businesses. "It's amazing how much money can stay in your community when it isn't being pumped into...

Txt Ban Prposd 4 Cal Cyclists
 Txt Ban Prposd 4 Cal Cyclists 

Txt Ban Prposd 4 Cal Cyclists

Bill sparks debate among spokesmen

(Newser) - Next on the list of people barred from texting could be California cyclists. Distracted drivers aren't the only menace on the road, and state politicians plan to crack down on bike riders too busy texting to watch what they're doing. The bill has sparked a firestorm of controversy in California,...

Green Joyride Sours for Paris' Rental Bikes

Vandalism, theft hurt pioneering program

(Newser) - A public bicycle-rental program launched in Paris in 2007 amid green good feeling has found reality to be a rough ride. Locals and tourists alike get unlimited access to Vélib’s fleet for about $1.50 a day, but some 80% of the $3,500 bikes have been stolen...

Brothel Goes 'Green' With Bike Discount

Public transit passengers get a price break, too

(Newser) - A Berlin brothel that offers a discount to patrons who arrive by bicycle or public transportation is touting itself as the first “green” sex stop. Clients simply present their helmet, bike lock, or bus ticket at the Maison d’Envie, which just happens to be in a district where...

Obamas Cut Vacation Short
 Obamas Cut 
 Vacation Short 

Obamas Cut Vacation Short

(Newser) - With a tropical storm bearing down on the Northeast, President Obama and Michelle Obama will leave Martha's Vineyard tomorrow, a day ahead of schedule, to ensure he arrives in Boston in time to deliver a eulogy at Ted Kennedy's funeral Saturday. If possible, they'll return to the Vineyard afterward; if...

Bike Theft Victims Turn to Web Posses

(Newser) - Bike owners are turning to newer technology to help nail crooks stealing their rides by posting online pleas to lookout posses, reports the Wall Street Journal. Victims use Twitter, Facebook and other sites geared toward bikers to hook into a nation of eyes watching streets and classified ads for stolen...

Despite Cameo, Ron Paul Plans to Skip Brüno

(Newser) - Ron Paul is more likely to be out biking this weekend than watching Sacha Baron Cohen’s Brüno, though the congressman and 2008 presidential candidate has a cameo. “Doesn’t exactly reflect my best moments,” the Texas Republican, 73, told the Hill. Paul appears in a scene...

No-Car Suburb in Germany May Prove Tough to Translate

Americans 'suspicious' of green model

(Newser) - Will Europe’s assault on the American way of life stop at nothing? Vauban, a town in the southwest corner of Germany, is a working model of a leafy-green suburb without cars. People walk or bike, and a tram runs through the middle of town. “When I had a...

Gas Prices Fuel Bike-Sale Boom
 Gas Prices Fuel Bike-Sale Boom 

Gas Prices Fuel Bike-Sale Boom

(Newser) - The world's biggest bicycle maker is having its best year ever, thanks to high oil prices and concerns about both global warming and obesity, the Economist reports. Taiwan-based Giant sells 7% of the world's bikes—460,000 last month—and can't keep up with demand in some markets. New York...

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev