
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

9th Apple Plant Worker Commits Suicide

China suicide cluster baffles manufacturer

(Newser) - A 21-year-old man who jumped out a window to his death Saturday marks the ninth suicide of a worker at Foxconn, the Taiwanese-owned manufacturer of iPhones and iPods. The deaths of young employees—combined with the fact that the company says it has prevented some 30 suicides in the past...

'Follow' Hack Causes Twitter Pandemonium

Privacy gap closed, but not before some opportunistic hijinks

(Newser) - If your Twitter account lists no followers or follow-ees, thank the happy-go-lucky iPhone acquirers at Gizmodo , who tipped the tech world to a vulnerability this morning. It's no longer working, but the web interface allowed the attention-starved to type "accept" and the Twitter name of any account, thereby gaining...

Obama Catches Flack for Dissing iPad

'Entertainment distracts, crazy ideas get traction'

(Newser) - President Obama is catching more than a little flack following his speech at Hampton University yesterday, in which he blasted the venerable iPad, among other devices, as distractions that can lead Americans away from the truth. "With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations—none of which I know...

Apple May Face Anti-Trust Action

The Adobe-Apple application saga continues

(Newser) - Steve Jobs may regret dissing Flash . Anti-trust regulators are investigating whether Apple violated the law by ordering developers to use Apple-made tools to build applications for the iPhone and iPad . An anti-trust case would be an odd twist for Apple, the firm that once asked regulators to slay tech Goliaths...

iPhone Finder Named, 'Regrets His Mistake'

Especially if it turns out to be a crime

(Newser) - The guy who found (or, depending on your interpretation of California law, stole) a prototype for the next generation of iPhone is 21-year-old occasional college student Brian Hogan, Wired reports, and he's very sorry. “He regrets his mistake in not doing more to return the phone,” his lawyer...

Steve Jobs: Why I Hate Flash
 Steve Jobs: Why I Hate Flash 

Steve Jobs: Why I Hate Flash

Apple boss pens open letter to address controversy

(Newser) - You've got it all wrong; Apple isn't the closed system picking on the open Adobe's Flash; Flash is the closed system, Steve Jobs argues, in an open letter explaining why Apple has kicked Flash off the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. He complains that Flash is “100% proprietary,” rather...

Stewart Blasts 'Appholes' Over Gizmodo Bust

Handling of iPhone leak 'creepy'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's a big fan of Apple gadgets but he's starting to find the company "creepy," he told Daily Show viewers last night. "Microsoft is supposed to be the evil one," he said, slamming Apple for the police raid on the home of Gizmodo's editor following...

Calif. Cops Raid Gizmodo Editor's Home
 Calif. Cops 
 Raid Gizmodo 
 Editor's Home 

Calif. Cops Raid Gizmodo Editor's Home

Seize Jason Chen's computers, servers; Gawker cries foul

(Newser) - Cross Steve Jobs and encounter the wrath of, well, at least the California police. That's who greeted Gizmodo editor Jason Chen—he of the scoop on Apple's next-gen iPhone that was found in a bar—with a search warrant Friday night. Chen arrived home to find police had broken down...

iPhone Child Care: There's an App for That

Smartphones double as children's toys

(Newser) - Parents have long relied on books, toys, and distractions to entertain their kids when taking them out in public—but these days, they are likely to just grab a smartphone. Kids find the intuitive interface of iPhones and other touchscreen gadgets entertaining, and software designers have taken note: over two-thirds...

Gizmodo Lost Money on Pricey iPhone Scoop
Gizmodo Lost Money on Pricey iPhone Scoop
David Carr

Gizmodo Lost Money on Pricey iPhone Scoop

Saga raises debate about checkbook journalism

(Newser) - Nick Denton, the big cheese at Gawker Media, paid $5,000 for the iPhone prototype Gizmodo showed the world last week—a fact notably absent from the company's published account of how it acquired the phone. He got 3.6 million unique visitors for his trouble, but no massive ad-revenue...

'The Internet Will Fail' -- Bold Predictions That Completely Bombed

 Fearless Predictions 
 That Were Utterly Wrong 

Fearless Predictions That Were Utterly Wrong

Also, that iPhone is never going anywhere

(Newser) - Remember the one about the guy who said the Internet will fail ? Ha, ha, ha. Well, while we're waiting 15 years later for that daring prediction to come true, Asylum runs through a few other notables that fell flat:
  • 'Portable computers:' "The portable computer is a dream

Apple Should Sue! vs. No, Just Suck It Up
Apple Should Sue!
vs. No, Just Suck It Up
opposing views

Apple Should Sue! vs. No, Just Suck It Up

Bloggers differ on whether the lost iPhone merits lawsuit

(Newser) - Jeff Bercovici has been noodling the lost iPhone story and finds himself "outraged" by Gizmodo's acquisition of the top-secret gadget. It's clear to him the finder hardly tried to find the real owner. "Put simply, Gawker Media brazenly, publicly flouted the law," he writes at AOL's Daily...

11 Worst Things Ever Lost
 11 Worst Things Ever Lost 
don't worry, iphone guy

11 Worst Things Ever Lost

Don't worry, iPhone guy, it's not just you

(Newser) - The drunk Apple engineer who left his iPhone prototype in a bar shouldn’t feel too bad: At least he didn’t lose, say, blueprints for the H-bomb like one physicist did. The Daily Beast lists 11 other famously misplaced items:
  • Top-secret laptop: Once again, alcohol is to blame. A

Steve Jobs: If You Want Porn, Buy an Android

Apple chief takes moral high ground against Google

(Newser) - In an email exchange getting a lot of attention on tech blogs, Steve Jobs takes the moral high ground on pornography as he slams Google and its phone. In response to a customer who questioned Apple's role as the "moral police," Jobs responded: "We do believe we...

How a Drunk Engineer Lost the Next iPhone

Sweet, sweet German beer responsible for leak

(Newser) - How did Gizmodo penetrate Apple's ironclad security to get its hands on the next-generation iPhone ? Thank the power of beer. Apple engineer Gray Powell, who was working on the Baseband Software that will allow the phone to actually make calls, lost the device at the beer garden not far...

New iPhone Worth Waiting For

 New iPhone Worth Waiting For 

New iPhone Worth Waiting For

Features on 4GS prototype mean you shouldn't buy an iPhone until June

(Newser) - Thinking about buying an iPhone? The features on the 4G prototype lost in a bar by an Apple worker means you should think about waiting until it goes on sale in June or July, urges Dan Frommer at Business Insider . The new iPhone appears to have an improved camera and...

Website: We Have Apple's Next iPhone
 Website: We Have 
 Apple's Next iPhone 
found in a bar

Website: We Have Apple's Next iPhone

Gizmodo pretty sure it found Steve Jobs' next trick in a Calif. bar

(Newser) - If you're a techie website, days don't get too much better than one when you stumble across Steve Jobs' next little gift to the world. Gizmodo says it's gotten its hands on the next-generation iPhone, found "lost in a bar in Redwood." After taking the device apart, the...

After Pulitzer Win, Apple Reconsiders Cartoonist
 After Pulitzer Win, Apple 
 Reconsiders Cartoonist 
and why this is troubling

After Pulitzer Win, Apple Reconsiders Cartoonist

Company invites him to resubmit rejected iPhone app

(Newser) - Pretty good week for political cartoonist Mark Fiore. Not only did he win the Pulitzer Prize, but it looks like Apple is going to accept his previously rejected iPhone app. Steve Jobs and company originally declined because they deemed Fiore's cartoons a little too edgy, what with him making fun...

Apple vs. Google: The Next Battles

Microsoft who? These guys are the new rivals

(Newser) - Remember those simple bygone days when Google and Apple were friends, united by their common archrival Microsoft? Yeah, those days are gone. This year the two companies declared war. Google released the Nexus One, and Apple released iAd, each a direct assault on the other company’s core business. And...

Microsoft's Kin: Does the World Really Need a 'Social' Phone?

Heir to the 'sidekick' throne misses the mark

(Newser) - If you're a Facebook-addicted, text-loving teenage girl, you might, maybe, like this phone. If not, look elsewhere. Microsoft's Kin isn't a smartphone, but a cell designed for social media. Is it any good?
  • Gizmodo calls it "the most seamlessly connected phone on the planet," but doesn't love the

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