online dating

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Truly Wacky Online Dating Sites

 Truly Wacky Online Dating Sites 

Truly Wacky Online Dating Sites

From vampire lovers to geeks to punk rockers, a site for everyone

(Newser) - If the matches you’re finding on eHarmony are too vanilla, never fear: There’s a dating site out there for you, and Julie Gerstein of Lemondrop rounds up the quirkiest of the quirky:
  • If you wear a lot of black: Find your “own personal Satan” at Gothic Match.

Shuttering Mags, Conde Nast Turns to ... Online Dating?

Publishing giant makes 'very bizarre' venture into new business

(Newser) - OK, so Gourmet wasn't working out, seven staffers at Glamour were just given the boot, and the remaining mags in Conde Nast's stable are slashing up to 25% of their budgets. But obviously the time is ripe for Conde Nast to launch…an online dating site, the New York Daily ...

Even in Recession, NYC Best for Singles
 Even in Recession, 
 NYC Best for Singles 

Even in Recession, NYC Best for Singles

(Newser) - New York may be expensive and unemployed, but high marks for “coolness” and online dating participation have it atop this year’s Forbes list of best cities for singles. As the economy stifles ambition, the dating number has become more significant. “When things are tough, core needs are...

Online Dating's Problem: Too Many Matches, Not Too Few

(Newser) - Online dating sites are so packed with possible matches that they cause “cognitive overload” in seekers, leading to unconsidered choices, the MIT Technology Review reports. The lovelorn may say they want a wider variety of candidates, but they spend less time evaluating them, new research shows. “More search...

Recession Sparks Dating Boom
 Recession Sparks Dating Boom 

Recession Sparks Dating Boom

(Newser) - Interest in online matchmaking and dating events is up as recession-plagued singles seek stability, the AP reports. and both report huge spikes in membership, and attendance at Chicago’s Nerds at Heart has doubled. "With such a tenuous climate right now, I think people are...

Lookin' for Love, 1 in 4 Turn to Arms of Networking Sites

Online dating no longer has social stigma

(Newser) - For those looking for love in all the wrong places, the right place might just be Facebook, reports the Telegraph, citing a new poll that shows one in four Britons are dating or have dated a person met through a social-networking site such as MySpace or Bebo. And in further...

Recession, Free Dating Sites Are Match Made in Heaven

Paid online dating sites see customers flooding to free upstarts

(Newser) - Traffic on free online dating sites has spiked, a trend fueled by the recession and by daters’ realization that finding love for free beats paying, reports BusinessWeek. “If it’s free, why would I go to Match?” asks a Florida woman who met her fiancé on, which...

'I Haven't Had Sex in 15 Years'
 'I Haven't Had Sex in 15 Years' 

'I Haven't Had Sex in 15 Years'

Found living without sex can be easier than looking for love—just not preferable

(Newser) - Writer Kit Naylor didn't intend for things to work out this way. She likes men. She likes love. And yet somehow, "here I am—55 years old, a spinster long past my sell-by date, no kids—and I haven't had sex in a decade and a half.” She...

EHarmony to Start Gay Dating Site

Settles NJ discrimination lawsuit

(Newser) - Online matchmaker eHarmony has agreed to launch a gay dating service as part of a settlement of a discrimination lawsuit with the state of New Jersey. The service, to be called Compatible Partners, will be launched next spring and will be available through the main eHarmony website, reports the Philadelphia ...

Radio Spots Put the 'Ad' in Adultery

Campaign for online dating service for marrieds makes ripples in Boston

(Newser) - The Ashley Madison Agency, a Web site matching would-be adulterers and home of the catchphrase “Life is short, have an affair,” has launched an ad blitz on Boston radio stations, reports the Herald. “The era of the scarlet letter is long over,” the company’s CEO...

Virtual Affair Ends in Real Divorce

Digital cheating destroys UK marriage

(Newser) - When a UK woman discovered that her husband had fallen for another woman, she took the not-so-unusual step of filing for divorce. The kicker here, reports the Guardian, is that the cheating took place not in real life, among real people, but in the virtual world of Second Life. The...

Online Hookup Hopefuls Gain Mapping Aid

Website offers curious users directions to getting lucky

(Newser) - In what may be the most opportunistic mashup ever, a web entrepreneur is putting a bold spin on the modern hookup, reports Wired. A new website scans the anything-goes "Casual Encounters" section of Craigslist, then integrates the postings with Google Maps, designating the locations of random horny strangers with...

Shopping in the Online Meat Market

Adult FriendFinder, with seemingly 30:1 male-female ration, poor choice for women

(Newser) - Adult FriendFinder may have 30 million users, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find partners for sex, love, or anything else with a few clicks. The site claims to have an even split of men and women, but from posts and chat rooms, it looks more like 30:1....

Old-School Matchmakers Thrive Even in Internet Age

Traditional singles still look for offline pairing

(Newser) - Despite the growing popularity of Internet dating sites—or perhaps because of it—many singles are fueling a revival of sorts in traditional matchmaking. The Miami Herald takes a look at professional matchmakers who cater to a clientele looking for tradition and certainty, often because they've gotten fed up with...

SWM No. 9,999,999 Seeks...
No. 9,999,999 Seeks...

SWM No. 9,999,999 Seeks...

Writers gives advice on how to stand out from the e-dating crowd

(Newser) - In the crowded world of online dating, a love of beaches and sunsets isn’t enough anymore. To help Internet Romeos snag an e-date, experts offer tips for the perfect online profile, reports Reuters. No. 1: Ditch the old photos (the Saturday Night Fever getup gives you away) in favor...

Online Dating Sites Seek Love's Secret Algorithm

Peer review of jealously guarded formulas proves impossible

(Newser) - Online matchmakers eHarmony and have staked millions on the idea that they, not you, can best find your perfect match, thanks to their secret algorithms. So do they work? Lots of academics want to know, the New York Times reports, but while the companies yearn for scientific, peer-reviewed...

Want to Meet the Smell of Your Dreams?

New dating agency plans to use genetics to find right chemistry

(Newser) - The nose knows. A new dating agency aims to use research into body odor to match up singles who just sniff right to each other, the Economist reports. The founder of is drawing on a ten-year-old study that found a genetic reason for why women found the smell...

Online Scammer Impersonates US Colonel

Details taken from website for military families

(Newser) - British woman Wendy McKay had been enjoying her romantic online chats with a handsome US colonel deployed to Iraq, but alarm bells started ringing when the "colonel" suddenly needed thousands of dollars sent to Ghana, the Military Times reports. A con man had stolen the real colonel's identity and...

Dating Site Blasts Rival in Ads
Dating Site Blasts Rival in Ads

Dating Site Blasts Rival in Ads slams eHarmony over lack of gay matching services

(Newser) - Dating site is again blasting rival eHarmony in an ad campaign, this time for its lack of gay matching services and links to evangelical Christian values, the New York Times reports. The ads show “eHarmony is out of sync with what is happening in America,” Chemistry....

Syphilis Makes a Surprise Comeback
Syphilis Makes
a Surprise Comeback

Syphilis Makes a Surprise Comeback

Infection rates in Europe have soared on safe-sex fatigue

(Newser) - Syphilis, the sexual scourge of the 19th century, was all but vanquished in Europe in the fifties. But it's making a comeback, with 2006 UK infection rates 10 times what they were a decade earlier, and other nations boasting similar stats. Health officials blame the upsurge on the rise of...

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